Sky was born to two of the most high wolves that the world of Wolvden has seen. She was handsom, and was, in isr pack, treated amazingly, excelling in all hunting missions he was sent down on. He would grow up extremely popular among his pack, but was never quite happy.
And them, one day, he was on another scouting mission, when he ran into a certain Pack Leader, Vivaldi to be specific. He was talked to briefly, before continuing on his way.
Well, this meeting kept on going, over and over, until Sky had decided that he wanted to move to the ashen stalkers, in which Vivaldi accepted.
After discussing with his pack, they came to a decision. Vivaldi could have Sky, but she would have to pay, to show that she was devoted to taking care of their both. Some cones spent later, Sky is now a happy member of the Ashen Stalkers.