This pregnant wolf is not currently nested, and may risk losing puppies if she tries to give birth.
This wolf is pregnant! Her energy regeneration has slowed. She will give birth in 3 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Leading Dark Isle since 4/1/22
Emhyra rarely jests. Not that she is a wolf of little humor - she would never consider herself dry - but she has come to realize those that see her in that state often take her command less seriously during moments that indeed carry weight. This simple mistake could prove costly, and so the burden of leadership demands she keeps witty remarks to herself. However, and despite her protests, Khorvine manages to solicit a chuckle from deep within the lead wolf's chest. Emhyra glances at the wisened Herbalist, the black wolf's eyes sparkling as she sorts through her wares. "There is indeed abundant life in this land," Khorvine smiles through a mouthful of red-tinted algae. Its rank stench permeates the den. "Though it may be less appetizing than other places."
Emhyra nods. She thanks the healer, and exits the den. The cave system lives on the side of a cliff - one must take a narrow path upwards to reach the safety of the clearing where the pack resides during the day. It is treacherous to the stranger, but safe to a wolf who knows where to place each paw. The sea swells beneath the trodden path as Emhyra climbs and considers the upcoming Winter.
The past years have been tough on her pack. The currents do not bring The Warm Waters as they used to. The Warm Waters carry with them seabirds, seals, deep-ocean flora, and other marine life. But as the Moon and Sun continues to turn over, The Warm Waters timeframe each year has shortened. What used to be 6 full Moons now is 4. When last Winter came, Emhyra lost pack members as hunger ravaged through the isle. She did not bring pups to this land this year. This one, however, looks different.
Reaching the top of the path, Emyhra looks over the open clearing. Her clan is scattered about the open land; darker wolves hide in the shadows of shale boulders, while the golden Sioma rests in the soft seagrass with sunshine washing over her back. Akiak, faithful pupsitter, grooms a protesting pup as its siblings tug at a gnawed whale rib. There is life here. It is hard-won, and worn by the sea. But Emhyra has fought for it, and she has promised these wolves and the ones before that there will always be.