Coal first Hunting teacher to young pups. Once his shift is over he gives the pups over to moonstone.
Sadly . .. until his curse is lifted no longer the loyal mate to Echo.
His new batch of pups from coincidentally a wolf named Echo. need to be determined before they are brought into the pack.
His daughter Holi will become a hunter when she comes of age.
His first son Carver will happily be a scouts apprentice but will be a pupsiter.
His last son Kenan will be a hunter.
He hopes his forever love and lead wolf will accept his pups even if they were born to another wolf from another pack. He decides to hold off telling her until they arrive.
Teaches his two son how to stalk prey watching with castuois joy his talk with Echo didn't' go well and he feels guilty with the pain and heartbreak he found in her eyes and he showed the three pups he brought to her. He feels worse as he know that he has two more pups on the way.
He shakes the imagine of echos eyes out of his eyes and focus on his pups. Promising to himself that he'll make it up his leader one way or another.