Mate to Phyre.
Heals at an unnaturally fast rate. Incredibly intelligent and powerful, though clumsier than his partner in crime. A very logical wolf.
Starting Stats: 230
This wolf is now level 2! +1 Max HP, +1 wisdom, +2 smarts, +1 speed
This wolf is now level 3! +1 Max HP, +2 agility, +2 wisdom, +2 speed
This wolf is now level 4! +1 Max HP, +2 strength, +2 wisdom, +1 agility, +2 smarts, +1 speed
This wolf is now level 5! +1 Max HP, +2 speed, +2 strength, +2 wisdom, +3 smarts, +1 agility
This wolf is now level 6! +1 Max HP, +5 wisdom, +3 speed, +1 smarts, +1 agility, +2 strength
This wolf is now level 7! +1 Max HP, +4 wisdom, +2 speed, +6 strength, +2 agility
This wolf is now level 8! +1 Max HP, +6 agility, +2 speed, +5 wisdom, +1 strength, +2 smarts
This wolf is now level 9! +1 Max HP, +4 agility, +4 strength, +6 wisdom, +4 speed
This wolf is now level 10! +1 Max HP, +6 smarts, +7 wisdom, +3 strength, +2 agility, +2 speed
This wolf is now level 11! +1 Max HP, +2 speed, +2 smarts, +5 agility, +10 wisdom, +3 strength
This wolf is now level 12! +1 Max HP, +9 agility, +6 speed, +4 smarts, +2 strength, +3 wisdom
This wolf is now level 13! +1 Max HP, +8 smarts, +5 strength, +8 wisdom, +4 speed, +1 agility
This wolf is now level 14! +1 Max HP, +9 wisdom, +10 smarts, +2 agility, +4 strength, +3 speed
This wolf is now level 15! +1 Max HP, +8 wisdom, +4 strength, +8 smarts, +6 agility, +4 speed
This wolf is now level 16! +1 Max HP, +10 speed, +7 strength, +5 agility, +5 smarts, +5 wisdom
This wolf is now level 17! +1 Max HP, +6 speed, +11 smarts, +1 strength, +15 wisdom, +1 agility
This wolf is now level 18! +1 Max HP, +6 wisdom, +9 agility, +11 smarts, +6 speed, +4 strength
This wolf is now level 19! +1 Max HP, +4 speed, +15 wisdom, +12 smarts, +6 strength, +1 agility
This wolf is now level 20! +2 Max HP, +15 smarts, +5 strength, +9 speed, +8 wisdom, +3 agility