The alpha of this pack looks around, seeming troubled. You had to let out a soft wood to catch her attention. Caught off guard, she startles. Her fur rose in surprise but quickly liked flat again. She gave you a surprise yet regretful look.."Oh! I see you've come! I heard of your arrival, but I won't be here for long.. there a prophecy I must follow.
I sincerely apologize for my sudden absence now that you are here, but I must proceed.
This mission is for me, and me alone to complete. No one must know why I've been so busy.
Once I have time..
I will greet you one day and say my goodbyes.. for I won't be here for too long...
For the sake of the pack.. and the lore.."
You are now left alone. The alpha has been refusing other's presence lately.
She's very busy at the moment...
Maybe you should come back later when she's complete?