This wolf is actively pupsitting - his energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Spent most of his early days in the pack skirting the edges of the territory eating rats. He, Rind, Draugr, and Kenaz all formed a slightly haphazard hunting party to fill in while Hyndla and Berkana were expecting, but nobody was quite sure of his place in the pack until the incidents with the Faelcu. His temperament is Dishonest, and his tricksterish and somewhat mysterious nature served him in good stead protecting the adolescents from the strange lights and stranger creatures that lingered on the edges of Thunder Gorge territory. As the only other Stoic, he and Draugr tend to clash over pack matters, but after watching the younger wolf out-Fae the Faelcu, Draugr has gained some respect for him.