The largest and strongest of his litter, Sirus was nevertheless quickly overshadowed by his supernatural sister, Nova. Even as he's aged, he's never held that against her; not only does he recognize her importance, but he has never once felt like she doesn't see him as an equal. For Sirius, the decision to remain at her side once weaned was a simple one, even if he would find himself missing their mother in the following months.
Acting as Nova's guardian alongside their runt brother Orion, Sirus is the brawn of the equation, fighting tooth and nail to keep his sister safe from harm. Too many beings in the world are drawn to her otherworldly eyes, and Sirius will fend them all off to his dying breath.
Boisterous and aggressive by nature, Sirius often has to be held back by his siblings as well as fellow pack members. Anyone else might get a face full of teeth for daring to impede him, but he does respect his friends in Pine Grove, even if he rarely acts like it.