Jadwi is an older wolf hailing from the grasslands of Ayada. As a result of a drought and internal social struggles, her former pack splintered and dissolved - many going their separate ways, some dying. However, what she does not share with her newfound Sisters is her own part in the destruction of her pack. After a failed bid to be Alpha, she held a grudge against the dominant faction and its leaders. With some clever social engineering, she was able to turn wolf against wolf until none were left.
Now, she joins a budding, young pack with the aim of establishing herself as a power player. She is skilled in quick combat and stealth.
In the Summer of Year 2, she listened to the gossip and manipulations of her close hunting associate Asha - and threatened to kill Rook over the strong influence she was holding over the children of the pack. This impulsive move tore the pack into factions - and she lost the power struggle decisively, along with one of her eyes. She will never be the same - and counts herself both lucky and ashamed to have survived a combat encounter so perilous in her old age. Regardless, she will no longer meddle in the affairs of the Den of Pups.