Earth has the heart of an explorer. You can often find her sitting over a sprawling map, marking out routes and new biomes. And when her next path is planned, she'll pack her bags with food, her map, acorns to trade with and a telescope stolen from a human. She doesn't actually know how to use it. She comes back covered in scrapes and dirt, but glowing with joy.
She's also a loving mother, and a friend to all pups. In her downtime, she sometimes assists the pupsitters by taking a pup off their paws for an hour or two. After a scouting trip, she brings back souvenirs for the best-behaved little ones.
She can be unpredictable. She often has mood swings, and can go from stormy to calm in a matter of minutes. When she's in the throes of her emotions, she runs off into the middle of nowhere. There's a small cave waiting for her there, hidden under vines and roots. Meteor is the only other wolf who knows where the cave is. If she's gone for too long, he follows her scent to the cave and lays next to her there. He keeps her company until she's done crying, then walks her home.
There have been whispers about Earth's origins ever since she joined the pack. Some say she's otherworldly, others say she's just like home. Some have even wondered if she's blessed by the moon. They say she looks like snow melting away to reveal grass finally sprouting. Or our blue marble itself, draped in clouds and oceans. Or, perhaps, just a wolf with a colourful coat.
She prefers to ignore the rumours, though she's yet to put a stop to them by explaining her origins. She's far too busy with her work as a scout. She's always had adventure in her heart. She met a traveling wolf when she was young, and his stories engulfed her. She's had the itch to explore ever since.