First male pup of the Queen and King, 1 of 4 pups in the 3rd litter of Mรกni and Skรถll (3 live in other packs).
Him and Hala are like peas in a pod. They aren't blood siblings, but were raised together from birth.
He met his mate Ylvi when they were but yearlings, and the wolves quickly fell in love. Stjarna would go to great lengths for Ylvi, but despite her domineering demeanor, she would never take advantage of that.
Stjarna is a strong young hunter, and warrior. Though he hasn't yet seen battle, he was trained by his parents who are amongst the clan's most skilled in combat.
During the Lesson: 'Alabama asked the class to prepare tiny gifts today for every packmate and practice graciousness even if the gift is rejected. Stjarna enjoyed getting to know his packmates better through the gift giving.'