The Beginning
The Clan's Legacy
Kind // Dutiful // Brave
"Air is the element most needed by fire. This is why you need open spaces, the wind, and to fly. Because you have fire in you. This is why you look into the sky, why you make wishes, why you tread lightly. You, too, are the air, because inside you there is fire. Why do you think we breathe? Because we are kindling our fires."
~ C. JoyBell C.
Zekino remembers the first time he saw a spark ignite from a lightning strike upon a dead tree. Rather than flee, as his instincts screamed in his mind, he stood, transfixed as the sky was illuminated in bright silver. The tree was emblazoned in vivid white for just a moment before orange flame rose from a single branch. The wolf could feel the heat of it, warming his outer fur and threatening to burn him as it grew, eagerly leaping to the next branch, but still, he did not move. Instead, he was struck with a sudden thought.
Zekino leapt, searching for the nearest stick, and when he spotted one, he closed his jaws around its edge. Standing on his hind legs, he strained towards the fire that was quickly engulfing the tree, and for a few agonizing seconds, he stood there, willing the flame to catch onto his stick. Finally the stick caught, and though the flame licked at his whiskers, singing them, he never did release the burning stick from his jaws. It was an arduous task, travelling slowly enough to not allow the flame to be extinguished by the wind, but Zekino carried the flames to the waiting tribe, the bringer of fire.
To this day, that fire is stoked in a cave and tended to by the Seekers of the Luminara tribe. The cave acts as a gathering place for clan meetings and storytelling. The flame itself has been used to defend the clan from threats like bears or cougars when the pack's strength is not enough. And Zekino's bravery and determination in bringing the tribe fire was recognized by the Goddess Zulae, the white wolf who holds the world in her paws. She spoke to Zekino in dreams, and he has been granted the gift of immortal lifeā¦
Affinity - Stag
Hunting Party - The Owls - A group of wise wolves that use wit and cunning rather than speed or strength to outsmart their quarry (Former member)