This wolf is currently on a pair bond cool down for 26 rollovers! He can't form a new pair bond until then! This wolf is actively pupsitting - his energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
rcyythse is deeply unlikeable. his personality has been severely damaged from years lost in empty caverns filled with nothing but ghosts and the hellish scape of his imagination. he likes to be obnoxious, scare people off; he refuses to change because if he does, he will lose his apathy, and will be forced to confront the fact that he has nothing and no one.
he is an incredible healer and is considered one of the founders of the moonpool, and is also one of the most heavily connected to the moonpool.
he was born into a cursed family and as the sole survivor the only tell of his heritage are his eyes. they're said to bleed on full moons, which he spends screaming in the abyss of the moonpool.
nobody knows how to help him, so they don't.
// The wolves have returned, excitedly chatting and being warm with one another. It looks like it went well! (5)
i. Rcyythse and iii. Greys spent time trading stories about the adventures of the elders and the mischief of the pups.