➤• Personality: Banshee is a strong and capable wolf who is very dedicated to her pack and would fiercely defend it if needed. She takes pride in her role as a finisher for the primary hunting party, glad to be able to contribute her skills in such an important way.
➤• History: After growing increasingly dissatisfied with its tyranny, Pigeon fled from her birth pack one spring night along with Banshee, her closest friend since puphood. In the mountainous territory they would soon call home, they met Tala, a mysterious black wolf who guided them to a pair of lone sisters before seemingly vanishing without so much as a goodbye. Knowing they'd fare better as a group, the four wolves decided to form a pack. They called themselves Screaming Pines, named in honor of the howling winds of their pine coated mountain territory. With Pigeon as leader and Banshee as her advisor, they were ready to face anything. Banshee is the first finisher in the pack and is a member of the primary hunting party.
After many moons of ignoring their feelings for each other, Pigeon and Banshee became mates the second summer and welcomed their first litter consists of four pups that autumn, though only two would survive.