You could tell him to shake out his fur, but that burnt wood smell and ashy coat is perminant. No, its not a forest fire that he decided to roll in the ashes of, its just him.
Ash was born with this beautiful, dust and ash covered coat. His eyes, that of clouds of smoke. He is practically the essance of what remaines of a fire. He certainly dosnt mind the smell and look that his fur gives off. Ash even thinks its a calming sent. Often you can find him resting near the magic wolves who can use fire abilities and or keeping warm by a campfire. He finds fires to be a calming thing for him. Though he is not magical himself it makes him feel as if he was.
Ash joined the pack after Midnight found him lazing around a burnt patch of dirt from a former forest fire. At first he thought Ash was hurt or actually covered in ash but it was not that. Ash even laughed at the thought having had this encounter before in the past. With some persistance he agreed to go to the herbalist just to ensure he was ok, which he was, but Midnight had to be sure.