During the lesson: 🐣 Artemis🌷 placed a toy between herself and 🌑🦟Lucan🌷. She showed him where to position himself to catch the prey while 🐣 Artemis🌷 flushed the prey toward him.
During the lesson: 🌑🦟Zirk 🍂 conducted a practical lesson about controlling emotions. 🌑🦟Lucan🌷's skills were greatly improving but he easily lost his temper during the play.
During the lesson: 🦅 Fleet 🍄 led 🌑🦟Lucan🌷 to an unfamiliar place today. He was tasked with finding his way back to the den all on his own with 🦅 Fleet 🍄 watching from afar.
During the lesson: To 🌑🦟Lucan🌷's surprise, 🐲 Ásbjǫrn 🍄 found him quite quickly today. 🌑🦟Lucan🌷 was reminded to mind his tail while hiding, because energetic wagging can be easily heard and seen.