Puppy Lesson Log 11/10/23 - Pathfinding:Marble learned about many different areas located far away from the den from Tawny today. Marble told her she would like to see everything, from snow-covered mountains to the endless sandy dunes.
11/11/23 - Hunting Basics:Marble was reminded to work on her attention span. While her physical condition was perfect, Marble needed to fight the urge to use every opportunity to play.
11/12/23 - Hiding:Oak taught the class about wind direction and scents that can reveal your position if the threat is downwind. Turns out Marble is the best at hiding if she just rolls in the dirt first!
11/13/23 - Working Together:The lesson today focused on relaying information accurately among pack members. Marble sat with several other pups as they whispered the same sentence around the circle and tried to keep it the same, but when it came back to Stag it was hilariously different than when it started.
11/14/23 - Recognising Danger:Mist instructed Marble to be careful with herbs, as not all the parts could be used for medicines and it was also dependent on their growth cycle. Marble learned when and where to gather the most necessary herbs.
11/15/23 - Bird Watching:Not only was the nesting material important, but the right spot and the right time matter, too. Marble learned how to choose wisely and save a lot of time.
11/16/23 - Prey Tracking:Blizzard rolled the toy in deceptive scents today - dung, dead fish and even an ant hill! Marble had to focus really hard to separate multiple scents entangled together to find the toy.