Boreas is a simple wolf. He likes having his feet dry. As such, he left his home pack in the swamp as soon as he could and set out into the big, wide, dry world. While exploring a ruin, he discovered he was an Air Master... by running into an artificial monster constructed to kill Mages, specifically. Luckily, he was saved in the nick of time by a pack of other Mages. They called themselves a Slayer's Lodge and trained him in his Air Mastery and in the art of hunting monsters, where Boreas discovered that, while he wasn't the biggest or strongest wolf in the pack, he could strategize his way around the most convoluted problems. Eventually he left again, bouncing around the continent until one day, in the ruins of a city between a lake and a sea inlet, he met a Fire Master locked in ferocious battle against a massive, powerful monster that even she wasn't going to be able to take on her own.
Boreas helped the Fire Master - Halo - escape and convinced her that they could, and would, gather enough Elemental Masters to destroy that thing. And maybe, possibly, fell slightly head-over-tail in love with her while he was at it.