This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 7 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Babette quite enjoyed playing with the little pups in the nursery. Especially Birdie, a chipper little one who always begged for her to come play, to the point of driving her pupsitter ragged. Ruble was also great fun, though hyper-competitive. He would never stop howling for joy when he won in games, or yowling in sorrow when he lost...They always had to call over his mother when that happened.
She spent the other part of her day watching either her mother, or other times Bezel chasing prey. And she would always have to keep up with them...So that in the future she could keep up with
Snow-crakle and qualify for The Dark Crystals with her! It would all be worth it..right?
Saturday 17th August 2024
Babette woke up in the Fledgling Fernery with a mixture of lament and joy. It would be the last time she ever woke up in this cave...She may get less time to spend with the puppies she cared for so dearly. Babette was sure to tell them she'd have less time to spend with them soon and they all got into a large cuddle puddle, even Tornado! Then her sister woke up with a bounce and said "Race you to the hunting grounds!". That's right! That's what she was doing it for. So she set off to look for The Dark Crystals with her sister.
Sunday 18th August 2024
Inspired by Raincloud who had switched to becoming a scout, Babette felt as if her eyes where finally fully open. She needed to do what was right for her. She didn't want to be sad as a hunter for four whole years, like Raincloud was...