Alpha & Scout
Longtails Pack
- Gifted by UnholyTerror (#130347)
- Theme:
The Builders and the Butchers - Devil Town
- "Ki-hee-hee!"-- The smelliest walking pelt this side of the fur farm...
- Named "Panda," he wanted something a little more fancy and chose the name "Parda" off some human's fancy pouch. At least, he thinks that's what it said... Recognizes and embraces the dark irony, being one of several survivors of an illegal fur farm in the middle of nowhere.
- Best buds with
Talon. Yeah. Best buds...
Talon wants to know if you'd like some tips on how to be a better leader.
Unexpectedly, Talon brings you something that looks like a gift. You are about to thank them but Talon comments that it's only something you need, nothing special.
You approach Parda and they greet you eagerly. They are confident this phase of the moon will bring the pack good fortune.