This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 11 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
"Life Does Not Roam These Woods; Leave Before The Wastelands Come."
You take a closer look. The smell of seared meat fills your nose, but goes as quick as it came. Rot drenches the air now, forcing disgust and nausea down your throat. The corpse in front of you made the reason clear: Mercy no longer resides in the world, only decay and the eventual fall of all those breathing. You bend your head down…and mercilessly rip off pieces of rotting flesh. You strip the bone marrow off the corpse and gnaw it until blood smears your teeth. They were right when they said all mortals were selfish beasts hiding underneath false faces. [Please Interact With Bitter Rememberance First For The Best Experience]
You push a maple bar in front of the carcass. Cries of bygone time filled your ears as you remember the bitterness of it all. Perhaps the dead wolf has reincarnated, and they are once again whole.