This wolf is currently on a pair bond cool down for 7 rollovers! He can't form a new pair bond until then! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Koa is a stoic and reliable wolf that doesn't like to make waves. He will happily accept minor discomfort if the wolves around him have it easier as a result, and he doesn't hold grudges. He enjoys crafting and star gazing, and although he is a decent hunter, he would prefer to scout or forage rather than chase prey. He has a lot of ideas, but he doesn't often voice them. He gets along with wolves where he feels brave enough to speak without judgement, and shies away from critical personalities.
Son of Jasmine and Achilles
Grandson of Rajani and Odyssey
Mate to Sinistra
Affinity - Rock
Hunting Party - The Cosmos - A spiritual group of wolves that rely on the stars and nature to guide them to prey