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Tribe of the life theives lore archive

Tribe of the life theives lore archive
Posted 2023-10-20 07:00:17 (edited)
This is the lore archive for my pack!please do NOT comment here,feel free to read though!
edit: (you may put little comments! like "I like were the plot is going" or "met is a stupid character" for example, funny remarks and small- SMALL suggestions are appreciated)

Side credit to  Murra dire wolpard since their wolves and pack are in some of the stories

Want to buy some lore for your pack?link

A very quick sum up of the history of the pack
(pack lore)
The tribe was formed 18 years by big log a wolf named sleet fall and a few others.Overtime the pack changed from you everyday friendly pack to a tribe of cannibles.After the change most of the pack left leaving big log and a few others to rise from the ashes.Eventually certain events lead to the death of her first son bird perch.Soon after her current mate fox nest was exiled for reasons only big log knows.Many months had passed since the old kings exile and a new king being chosen.The pack is at a time of peace...their are new pups running around and all was well,however their was one pup in paticular.Tawny she always seemed diffrent from the other pups and their intrests.Eventually they found out tawny was bird a way..apperntly they had ben reincarnated and had a chance at new life..that is as long as they dont make the same mistakes.Most packs and wolves try to avoid the mountains,however they do have allies.The mayfly syndicate which resides in the distant riparian woodland and the storme pack which lives in the praries along the southern border.a little while ago big log died,apperently the wolf she chose as her heir was tawny.which was strange considering the events of tawny's past life.As of lately things had ben...weird in the pack.Shellpup had ben found shreded beyond recognision..and lightpaw had fell into a river...lightpaw's death could be easily resonded down to adols doing dumb things.However shellpup's death is diffrent.Turns out the one behind all the caos was midnight,which was probobly the most seemingly inoccent wolf in the pack.But when it comes down to it perhaps in the future they should be less trusting?investigate deeper?but either way they were banished to shadow summit.Shadow summit was much higher in the mountains it was very frigid and cold,which made midnight and his follower's banishement even worse.Not to mention the grizzly bears and the mountain lions.Recently whilst qaurtzeye and tawny were enjoying an evening together they discovered a dog..they decided to bring them into to the pack.

(The Dark Summit) (old)
The dark summit is home to the exiled wolf midnight'divide and his followers.It is located north of the tribe up in the coldest part of the mountain.There are the dens midnight's den,adult wolf den,and a nursery.Their leader midnight is as he seems..he is not a wolf..rather something inhabiting a wolf.If he wants to live forever he will require the souls to fuel him to do so.Every autumn a female withen the dark summit is chosen to bare a litter,the pups of that litter shall be sacrificed the first day of winter.There must be at least 3 pups to sacrifice if there is only 1 or 2 pups another sacrifice will be required,usually an adol but an adult will also be accepted.The ceremony itself will be rather simple.Each sacrifical wolf will have a gash given to them along their underside in the gash then their legs will be binded together using twine and they will be thrown in a ice cavern next to the camp of the dark summit.The wolves will either bleed out,freeze,starve,or dehydrate.After a week they will retreive the bodies and turn them into gifts and offerings for midnight.

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2023-10-20 07:16:42 (edited)
Important lore stories
Grizz-  link

Bark!goes the dog(part:1
Grizz pulled his leash eager to run free and look at his surrondings.There where trees,trees,trees,trees,squ- SQUIRELL grizzly's pelt fluffed as he lunged toward it only to be yanked back by the stupid leash.He was in the coniforus forest near the mountains,his human and their friends often came here to hunt mostly foxes,coyotes,and wolves they also hunted deer and elk to use as bait to attract the targets.Wildlife was plentiful in the nearby mountains,the elk populations were huge along with deer and other that of the birds.You wouldnt even think a wolf pack lived there especially one as big as the one that inhabits it.In the mountains their is only one big pack,to sustain such a pack it would take dozens of deer and elk...and yet their populations are more or less untouched.The humans rarely hunted their since the wolves were elusive and cunning..the last time a hunting party went there only one returned...he had said while they were chasing the wolf they were hunting part of the wolf's pack appeared.He had said he and the others saw about 5 wolves including a white-grey wolf with wings and bat ears!Of course nobody believed him since he was the only survivor and nobody could back him up.Grizz's thoughts were interupted when he saw rustling in the bushes he got to paws and watched.Out of it emerged some hunters they approached him.Grizz sat back down and looked up at them.The humans spoke in loud commanding tones to him- as they often did.Grizz didnt fully understand human words but he made out the words "grizzly" "sniff" "out" "wolf",grizz got up strectched and padded off in an a random direction.Out the cornor of his eye he caught sight of the hound snickering at him "your not a tracking dog your a a..chihauhau!"one hound bellowed "yeah- a a lap dog!"the other hound barked in agreement."im a german shep- his bark was interupted by a sharp command from one of the humans.(part:2)Grizz padded through the woods,he had decided to head toward the mountains.Maybe he could siff out a wolf?Perferably a old or sick one that'd be easy to subdue.Grizz continued onward for a while before catchign a scent...he sniffed the air a few times before realizing what the scent belonged to..wolf!He bolted through the moonlit woods,he evntually came to a small mountain clearing.He spottend two wolves chatting quietly in the darkness,the female wolf had a piebalded brownish honey pelt he blinked.Surely his owner's would applaud him for such a prize!A piebald!His owner would be able to brag to the other hunters for seasons if they had that mounted on their wall.He then turned to gaze at the other wolf male wolf,greyish pelt,kinda boring,however their eyes were pretty unique looking..maybe his owner would put is head on a wall or something..but then grizz thought about it.Subdueing one wolf would be hard enough but two!?Maybe he could scare off the other one or something the piebald was clearly more of a prize..but how would he scare off a wolf..he certaintly couldnt kill it.Maybe grizz could bark to tell the hunters to come..but by the time they showed up he wouldve ben shredded- or sliced?Whatever wolves did,after a while he detirmened scaring off the male was the best choice.Though the chances of sucess were still really low.He dropped into a crouch and silently observed them."i..i dont know"the piebald sighed with a shrug "i understand"the other wolf nodded with a disapointed look.Grizz stared quietly,'weird..''he thought to himself.From what he overherd from his humans wolves were emotionless killers with no hearts or serious thoughts,and that they lived for two things eating and killing.Both of theese wolves seemed..docile if anything if they were emotionless killers how could they hold a conversation?He took a small step forward but accidently stepped on a twig.A sickining crack followed by silence..the piebald's ear pricked upward while the male dropped into a crouch glaring at the bush grizz was hiding in.The male wolf lunged toward the bush grizz was in with lightning speed grizz wanted to run but his legs had turned to jelly out of fear.The wolf grabbed one of his back legs and dragged him into the open.Grizz didnt bother fighting back 'im so dead'grizz though to himself.The wolf dropped him infront of the other wolf."well..what do we have here?"she said looking at him the wolf who had dropped him padded beside her and sat down."it appears to be of some kind"the male wolf replied staring at grizz.' a german sshhepard..mmy nname is grizzly- bbut i go by grizz"he stutterd.The female wolf flicked and ear "im tawny that soars in sky and that's qaurtzeye" "so your a german smell strongly of human..are you a hunting dog by any chance?"qaurtzeye said with a curious look."yeah..i am"griz nodded.Grizz took a step back as qaurtzeye took step forward."a dog that wants to lead humans to us..cant have that can we."qaurtzeye blinked "er i um.."grizz took a few more steps back."are you hungry by any chance?"qaurtzeye asked tawny who simply shrugged "i dont care for coyotes or dogs..but i am a bit peckish",grizz gulped..well that cant be right..wolves dont eat other canines..but yet.Grizz blinked as he recognized that strange look qaurtzeye wasnt was hunger.Grizz knew the chances of him out running a fully grown to none..okay how about fighting..a adolescent mid sized dog fighting a fully grown wolf..he was so dead.Both fight and flight were horible options..maybe he could just give up?If he didnt fight would they give him a swift death out of pity?Grizz rolled over on his back,qaurtzeye flicked an ear and padded over to him.Grizz squeezed his eyes shut and waited,he felt hot breath near his neck then a sharp pain."wait!i..i dont know about this"tawny barked.Qaurtzeye lifted his head and licked his blood soaked fangs "about what?",grizz blinked he was still alive!Although his neck stung and had fang marks in it."about that- i mean i.. i just have a feeling about it..maybe we should take the dog back with us?i mean idk but just a thought."she shrugged.Qaurtzye sighed "your the leader..if you want to have a hunter's mut hanging around camp thats your choice"qaurtzeye laughed sarcasticly "mhm says you the wolf who once suggested we move to the dessert"tawny responded in a similar tone.

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2023-10-20 07:22:15 (edited)
Important lore stories
(Midnight'divide link as told by the perspective of his former mate dovewing link)

A bit about Midnight'divde and dovewing's relshinship

Fox and qaurtzeye rushed back to camp rocky and log running behind them.In camp it was a normal winter day the snow had set in and nobody was really expecting what would happend next.Dovewing sat in the nursery grooming starpup,starpup had ben the largest pup in her litter and apparently the strongest.Starpup's littermates had sucomb to the cold a few days ago about 12 hours apart from eachother,starpup was the only one that remained and dovewing was content on keeping them alive and well."whats wrong with you?something on your mind?"julstjärna asked staring at her."hm?oh nothing.."dovewing shrugged.Julstjärna stared at her a while before changing topics "anyways i cant wait to be out of the nursery,taigapup is almost 6 months old meaning im so close to freedom-"julstjärna sighed.Dovewing laughed a little,she had gotton to know julstjärna a bit since they shared the nursery.Julstjärna was very good at keeping goood spirit and they occasionally said the most random things.Dovewing enjoyed her company since she had no realshinship with her sister and blaze had his own life,meanwhile sun was currently depressed so it was nice having someone to rant with.All of a sudden a houl rang out,"hm?"julstjärna looked up and padded outside dovewing got up and padded behind her looking at highrock.Fox?uh wasnt he supposed to have ben exucuted earlier that day..she thought to herself.Instead of gathering around in a meeting everyone just stared at fox.Suddendly qaurtzeye jumped on the rock causing fox to loose his footing and fall with a small thud."ahem,everyone gatheround...were in the midst of a murderer"qaurtzeye barked."whats going on-" said a voice as they padded through the crowd dovewing glanced over at them."i leave for five minutes!FIVE"tawny growned." see..ill start from the not dead!and midnight is a murderer!"fox barked turning to midnight.Midnight had just entered camp dragging a dead wolf by the scruff."what do you have an emotinal attatchment with the food?"midnight said sarcasticly."what?no im not talking about that wolf,im talking about the wolves you killed!from this pack!"fox growled.Qaurtzeye sighed leaping from the rock."fox pretty much summed it all up"qaurtzeye shrugged.Tawny nodded "fox,we do have susspicons against midnight but..nobody has ever seen him do anything..besides you..and..while i would like to believe you unless anyone else is willing to back your point.."she trailed off.snuhwalf pushed through the crowd sitting beside fox."midnight is guilty,i..iv belived this for quite sometime..although i never told anyone about it..and iv never seen anything but..i truly believe that he is evil"snuhwalf sighed staring at midnight who was sitting calmly."i i um"august padded awkwardly through the crowd " with you"he said finnaly padding over to fox and snuhwalf.Ironrose padded infront of them blocking their way."you really are mest up."they growl "wha?what no i- "seriously blaming murderer on him just because your jealous!"she growled."What!no i dont im happy if your happy!"he barked ironrose snuffed padding off to sit with midnight."i take it your siding with midnight?"tawny said,ironrose nodded "very well".lilacsky pushed through the crowd to sit with ironrose and midnight.Midnight gaze turned to the crowd scanning for a wolf,dovewing thought he was looking for her for a moment."blaze?"midnight said with a head tilt."i would..but i cant i- i have to do whats right"blaze said padding over to fox and the others.Dovewing was surprised her brother didnt side with midnight,the two were good friends."wus"midnight snarked at him.Aurorasky padded through the crowd spixmac closely behind her talking quietly.Auorasky padded over to her father,spixmac paused and turned and head back to the crowd "well it appears at least somebody knows the meaning of family"midnight said looking in dovewing's direction.Dovewing stared at the ground avoiding his gaze."midnight..quite a few wolves are against do you plead?"tawny said slowly."not guilty of course."midnight shrugged.Tawny "i se- "HE IS GUILTY"fox interupted "if not all of yall believe me how about we ask qaurtzjr the one who was attacked?"he barked."fox if you interupt me again i will exeucte you myself regardless of whoes guilty."Tawny growled."er sorry"he whined then padded to qaurtzjr who was among the crowd.His pelt had a quite a bit of visuale scars and he was missing an eye but other than that he had recovered well."well who attacked you?me or midnight?"fox said.Qaurtzjr stared at him with confussion before making a whining sound."you shouldnt even try.."sun sighed padding toward fox."what?try what?" "talking to him"sun sighed."huh?but- "iv tried asking him many times but he never responds with more than a sound..he didnt have any externa wounds on his head from the attack...however he sustained mental trama from the attack..while his physical wounds have mostly healed,his brain to cope with the trama went to "A pup like mindset to cope.Essentially he can no longer speak"sun blinked and nodded he padded dirrectly up to midnight."whats wrong with you?why are you like this?how can you live with yourself knowing its your fault someone is like that?"fox growled.""midnight growled.Suddendly midnight turned around staring in the distance."who are you and why are you here.."he growled."and now he's gone nuts"fox said staring at him.All of a sudden a figure appeard in the direction he was looking,a white wolf with greend eyes and brown mereling,they also had a satchel strapped to their side"i knew someone was there.."midnight said under his breath."greetings"the entity says looking around.Tawny runs over to the entity tail wagging "mud!" "bird!tawny?bird tawny?tawny perch?"mud blinks."er just call me tawny"she laughs.He nodds " seem..diffrent"he said looking at her.Qaurtzeye padds over "uhh do you know him?"he says eyeing mud."yes infact i do."she nodds.Then she turns to mud "yes..i suppose i am a bit diffrent than when you last saw now a female and my past self is technicly my uncle- my ancestory is mest up to sum it all up..although thats what happens when you ask Imortal comedians to bring you from the dead-"she sighs.Mud laughs "anyway back to the task at hand..i now am a kind of..gaurdian of the afterlife,meaning i am here alot its just yall dont see me..speaking of which a while back we had some new arrivals..i believe you know them as lightpaw and shellpup?"he said tawny nodded."well when i came a few days ago to collect florafur and fazesmog...i saw him.."he said looking at midnight."just by his aura i could tell he was probobly behind some things..however..he has a strong spirit."mud sighed."you know that fog that almost always surrounds your mountains?well its a block..created by midnight to keep me out..mainly because he knew i would seek him out..when he was busy defending himself his mind wasnt focused on me..meaning the block was weak enough for me to get through"mud said gazing at midnight."well theres a problem with your plan..did you think about what you'd do when you got here?i cant die?"midnight scoffed."true you cant- "anyone can die"fox interupted "no not him- you..or me..or even a god..he is something darker ...death will never come for him..he is death"mud growled."i simply came to warn you all...i suggest that you banish him to the dark summit"mud continued."yes well there is one you said he cant be how would we even get him to go there"qaurtzeye retorted staring at midnight."simple ill fight them"mud said.He pulled a stick out of his satchel and drew a circle in the the dirt around him.He stood up tall facing midnight who stood to be directly across from him.Midnight did the same thing but with his claws instead of a stick and stood facing him.They stood staring at eachother for about 5 minutes,then a gash opend up along muds should.Dovewing blinked..gashes dont just magicly appear..perhaps they were fighting..just not in a way she or the others understood perhaps their spirits were fighting?A few more gashes appeard on his shoulder,then a bite mark apeard in midnights leg a black substance seeped from it instead of blood..what wolf's blood is black.The strange wound appeared on both of them before a large gash appeared on midnight's neck.Midnight stumbled to the side panting.Mud blinked "had enough?",all of a sudden ironrose let out a defning screech.Dovewing turned ironrose was on the ground screaming in pain sun ran over to investigate but within seconds her screams haulted and she fell limp.Sun sniffed her "she's dead" dovewing blinked then turned to see midnight was now standing up right and looked completly fine."your despicable,you know that the wounds i inflicted wouldnt have killed you..yet you take someone's soul so that you can feel better faster,either way you have with you"mud growled.Midnight nodded "what am i but a wolf of my word",he turned to the pack "anyone who wishes may follow me." lilacsky and her pups scurried to join him along with auroasky followed by spixmac."you know if you leave witht hem you cant return.."tawny called to her daughter spixmac nodded "i still going with auroasky.",Dovewing and starpup could stay but she'd never truly be happy...even after everything she still had a place for midnight in her heart.Also she couldnt forget about her daughter,she sighed and went to grab starpup she then padded to join them.Tawny nodded "for those who are leaving you have chosen a life away from are banished alongside him should anyof you return we will see you as outsiders and treat you as such"she barked.Dovewing sat outside the den in the summer sun.

Dovewing gazed across camp at midnight who was chatting with lilacsky.As of recently her and midnight's realshinship wasnt the best to say the least.She often found herself questioning her decisions..should she have left...if she went back would they acept her...could she really live without midnight and their pups.On the topic of their pups starpaw often complained about how midnight didnt really seem to care much about her.Then again he didnt really seem to care about any of his pups for that matter its always about him.She honestly didnt know what she saw in him back then.She looked over at them and noticed lilacsky had padded off,probobly to go hunting.Dovewing got to her paws and padded over."hello"midnight said in a unusually happy voice " seem..happy"she said nervously."why wouldnt i be!prey is plentiful here,we have room to stretch our paws,room to frolic to thrive,not to mention we dont have to answer to anybody"He barked with a dark gleam in his eye as he said the last part."okay..i was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk..i..need to talk to you.."she said slowly."sure"he shrugged.The two padded out of camp after a while she spoke "the reason i wanted to talk to you is..i.i dont think we can work this out.."she sighed."work what out?"he said with a small headtilt." seem to actually care about me anymore..its like im not special to you or something"she barked.He brushed against her "you are but..i have other priorities an- "like what those 50+ pups you have"she interupted backing away from him."well have you every thought about my side of our realshinship?"he growled."no,i dont need to- you are clearly the problem."she barked."oh please thats just your own doubt speaking,lets face it if i was the problem and we decided to break up would you even survive a week?"he sighed."YES im more than capable without you."she barked "and who do you think you are?well ill tell you"he growled padding toward her "a coward,to scared to stand up for themselves even when they need to,a follower you left you pack and loved ones just beacause your incapible of surviving on your own,i highly dought if you went back they'd accept you and thirdly an idot think about it when we got together did you actually ask me how i felt or did you just say 'hey your cool lets be mates' without knowing a single thing about me?"midnight snarled.Dovewing felt tears rolling down the sides of her face."well mayb- maybe we really shouldnt be together"she whimpered.Dovewing couldve sworn midnight was going to rip her to shreds by the look of utter hatred and disgust on his face but instead he turned and padded off.Dovewing to a few deep breaths and got her feet,well at least it was over..then she thought..the hard part had begun yes she had stood up to him..or well tried and she was still breathing which was good..but he was right..she couldnt go back to her pack..she was stuck here.

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2023-10-20 07:32:19 (edited)
The death of big log the tribe's first leader
(note:this happend long before the current lore stories)
(big log-link  tawny-link florafur-link

Tawny rolled in her nest as she blinked her eyes open slowly.something was wrong..something about the air around her didnt feel right..she then realized their was howling outside the shadowheart den.she padded outside to investigate.just about the entire pack was gatherd around howling somewhere in the crowd she could make out florafur's voice from somewhere in the middle trying to calm everyone.after a while everybody calmed down,"ok,everybody calm yourselves"florafur barked softly "now..sun,julstjärna you two prepare for the burial ceramony,as for everyone else if you do not have a imdeiate family relation to big log,make yourself useful and go hunting we will have a feast after the burial in her honor.if you do have an imdeiate family relation you may also go hunting or stick around camp,just be sure to make your way to the burial camp at sunhigh.also rye,snuhwalf,sleet,and crowslash yall can attend"she anounced.a good bit of wolves scatterd a few stayed in the middle closer to florafur.tawny walked over she froze as she saw that her suspicons where correct.sometimes pups die young in the pack since they have eagles,hawks,falcons,coytes,and lynxs nearby so its not unuasul for burial ceramony's to be held in the morning,if a pup was snatched away in the night.however she suspected something diffrent when they mentiond only imediate family to big log..however this was the worst thing that it couldve ben..big log died.tawny froze as she stared at the ground for a few minutes.when she looked up again the body was gone sun and julstjärna must have took it away while she was staring at the groundshe thought to herself.the camp was earily silent usually you could hear gossip if you listend hard enough..but was silent..exept for moans and whines.almost everyone had left camp to hunt or go on a walk to be alone.on the otherside of the clearing smoke was wailing while ljus dimma,starpaw,and stjärna.stjärna must have said something really funny or sweet because smoke stopped wailing for a few seconds and just looked at him.meanwhile snuhwalf was comforting lil log and grass a few feet she stared at the sky for a few minutes suddendly someone nudged her."hey"florafur said "ello.."she replied."lets go on a walk for a little bit i need to tell you some things.."florafur sighed "k"she shrugged as she got to her paws.the two walked out of camp into the forest,they kept a slow and steady pace."so what is it."she sighed "well..this may come as a shocking.."florafur stated slowly,tawny glanced at her "lay it on me whatever it is i can handle it"she shrugged.florafur let out a sigh "as you probobly know originally cedar was going to be big log's heir..however a few months ago he told her he couldnt do it...for a while she couldnt decide who to pick.about a month ago she finnaly decided on who she thought would be a good heir."tawny looked at her "so..who did she pick?"she said "she".um what-she thought suddendly and gave florafur a look "er did she say that?"she said nervously "yup..i was surprised as you are..originally you where to be the heir instead of cedar anyway until.."florafur broke off "yeah until you found out im bird perch and decided to judge me based on the past"she growled lowly."well in our defense you did try to kill lil log and ahrk,and the least you couldve did was apoligize!"florafur retorted "i highly doubt they wouldve accepted my apology anyway"she said coldly "why would they!you tried to kill them!"florafur barked "mhm and thanks to not even getting a fair trial i ended up being trapped for over a year"tawny growled."well maybe if they had actually killed you we wouldnt have had to put up with that attitude of yours for almost the past three years,we'd probobly better off that way or if you got trapped for all eternity that'd work to."florafur said coldly.tawny started at her a moment before running off ahead she ran for a bit and plopped down next to a tree.she blinked rapidly trying not to cry maybe she's worthless..and guilty...i was jealous..i was hurt...i i..i thought maybe if i got rid of them things would be diffrent...however that was stupid..i was like 3 1/2 and they where just inocent pups..they deserved love and attention..what did i deserve?nothing thats what...she thought sadly as she sat there.

tawny sat their a few minutes more before florafur finnaly caught up.she shook her head in atempt to make her tears disapear into her fur,however to no avail...instead they scattered across her face.florafur padded over " sorry i was so harsh i didnt mean it like that but-" tawny cut her off "its fine"she said in a low voice.florafur sighed "she did choose you..i guess she had faith that you can make the right choices for have a good heart..i belive just..had bad direction thats all."."thanks that means alot coming from the resident perfect wolf"she snarked,"im not perfect.."florafur laughed "suuure you got the looks out of your litter,not to mention your an amazing thinker and healer."tawny replied "..wait are you trying to convince me that i would make a great lead.."florafur said squinting."wha-no...maybe"she mumbled "not happening,im perfectly happy with my daily sqedule of gossiping and whatching the pups sometimes thankya very much,and anyway big log chose you not me!you dont even have a good reason why you shouldnt lead"florafur barked.hmm..she thought..then she got an idea,"not everyone trusts me,im lazy,i have no connection to our allies,and im single."she said calmly."first of all if they dont trust you,then why would they even let you stay in camp around the pups.second of all in what universe are you lazy!?when your not whatching the pups your out chasing and tracking birds.third of all bird perch nest..where always delivering messages between us and the mayfly syndicate and anyway we have an aliance of sorts with the storme pack.and finnally |im single| isnt even an excuse!seriously 75%of big logs leadership she spent single seriously sleetfall,moss, nest..all came before bear fear!and anyway im sure you could make up with fox..and and if not theres qaurtzeye"florafur sighed,florafur growled a bit when she mentiond fox nest.tawny sighed "okok..i get it i have to lead but..i dont know the first thing about leading."she sighed "dont worry me and fazesmog are their to lend a helping paw"florafur said kindly.the two walked back to camp and got their cloaks then headed for the burial camp.the burial fields was almost empty exept for the graves of sleetfall,birdperch,firepup,diamondpup,and fawnpup.tawny felt kindof strange being their due to the fact that her old body was buried their..she made her way to through the fields to the burial camp,she sat at the front in between florafur and fazesmog.on fazesmog's side(the left)sat bear fear,smoke,ljus dimma,julstjärna,sun,and garnetgoose.on florafur's side(the right)sat sepiroth,rye,lil log,snuhwalf,ahrk,grass,crowslash,cedar,and sleet.for a while everyone was silent before tawny spoke "we are gathered hear to say goodbye to big log a leader,mother,grandmother,and friend."she said solemly.smoke then lifted her head,it looked as though she was going to speak but then she stopped herself and stared at her paws her and probobly everyone elses surprise rye was the one to break the silence "it always hurts when you loose someone you care about,it gets better with time but the pain never fully heals..we are all just travlers on an adventure called life,however that journey almost always comes to an end one way or another for most,death is...the next adventure a new frontier,so when you feel that pain know that they havent left you,not entirly anyway they are on their next adventure but they left you the memories of the good times you had together and that will get you through,and if it doesnt just look to the ones you care about."rye said calmly.florafur nodded "he's right their never truly gone"."i remember when i first arrived in the pack..big log was so sweet and compassionate,i considered her my mother and i still do,everyone was so nice yall got me through the good times..and the bad"ahrk sighed as he shot a look at tawny.evryone shared some memories for about the next hour before they said their goodbyes and sun,lil log,and cedar buried big log.they all headed back..from now on tawny would would be tough but she would do it..with a little help from florafur and fazesmog was now a new era..tawny's era..she would be the light in the darkness of despair and grief.

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2023-10-20 07:36:06
The truth
(note:this happend long before the current lore stories,its about big log's second mate fox)
it was yet another cold fall night...the previous day big log had visited hið eilífa hungur in search for answers...she felt a little bit better...but not she slept she was awakend by nest had gotton up from beside her and was padding out the den "where are you going?"she asked sleepily,"er im going...on a walk,ill be back before you know it."he says calmly before padding out of camp.she then remembers the whispers she had heard not to long ago...-i should follow him..-she thought as she silently stood up.she padded out of the den after him quietly,when she followed she made sure to stay out of sight.his scent trail weeved through the territory eventually coming to a stream where he stopped to get a drink before padding onward.she stuck to the shadows the entire time...before long they crossed the border onto some unclaimed nest first she worried he had seen or smelled her but then she saw the silouete of a wolf shimmering in the moonlight.the wolf walked closer her pelt was snowy white ecept for a black maw and muzzle."hey fox."the wolf barked happily,"where have you ben?we havent met up in weeks?me and the pups where worried."she barks as she tilts her head to the nest thinks for a bit before replying "eh trouble in my pack."he says with a sigh "oh"she says with a concerned this point big log's pelt is bristling with rage...she cant takes it she jumps out of the bush she was hiding in,"traitor!"she growls at him her pelt bristling and her ears flat."big log!?i was just.."she cuts him off "i saw every thing dont try to lie.i knew i shouldnt have trusted you..."she stands their awkwardly blinking rappidly,clearly she was in the dark about everything." i my defense...i cant abeoden my pups."she stares at him at this point she is resisting the urge to bite his maw and not let go..."uh we have 5 daughters and a son..."she growls"you abaedond them...and me.".he sighs"no ones perfect"he shrugs."LEAVE JUST LEAVE."she barks angrilly "i dont want to see you on MY territory ever again just leave.".he stares for a moment before turning to lilly "lets go..."he says quietly to lilly.she nods and padds off he follows after her.big log storms back to camp and then her den.when she reaches the den she just sits there until everyone wakes sunhigh she calls everyone out their den..."all gather around the rock."(they have a giant rock in the clearing where the leader sits to talk to the pack)"i have an nest has turned out to be a traitor..."a few wolves exchange shocked glances."he shall not return if you see him on the territory chase him off and do not hesitate to use force.thats all."she says as she padds back to her den and plops on the ground.

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2023-10-23 16:10:08 (edited)
Sacrifice to Midnight the Mighty

Important lore stories
Midnigt'divide-link obsidan'shard/paw-link
Obsidianpaw sat down beside starpaw as he ripped at the small pelt.He really didnt see why sacrificing puppies was nescicary to the small pack's "survival" if anything it was more to just satsify midnight.Though to be honest making his father happy probobly was important to their survival- mostly since midnight could and very easily would kill them.As he continued ripping at the small pelt till he had seperated it from the body.Given the fact he was ripping skin off of something their was a surprising lack of blood,most of it had froze solid.He glanced to his side to see starpaw batting a paw at the dead pup infront of her."you ok?"he asked calmly,starpaw flicked an ear "were supposed to rip the skin off of our dead half sibling to make into gifts for midnight,does that seem ok?",obsidian nodded awkwardly and went back to his task.He grabbed the pelt and dunked it into a small puddle with some herbs and flowers to get rid of the smell of blood.He took it out of the puddle after a few minutes and let it dry on a leaf.He grabbed the pelt and padded into midnight's den.As he entered he spotted his father grooming one of his wings."hello"midnight greeted him "hi,um here you go"Obsidan said awkwardly dropping the pelt on the ground.Midnight got to his paws and padded over.In this moment if midnight wasnt obsidian's father he would probobly be cowering on the ground in fear.Midnight was huge in comparison to obsidian not to mention how sharp his claws were perfect for tearing flesh...wolf flesh.Midnight sniffed at the pelt "it'll do i suppose"he snuffed.Obsidian nodded he and midnight stared awkwardly at eachother for a few moments."you may go now.."midnight sighed after a while."oh er right..bye"obsidianpaw said scrambling out the den.

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2023-10-24 10:42:57 (edited)
A dog amongst wolves

Important lore stories
grizz-link  taiga-link

Grizz rolled around in his nest.He wasnt used to the whole 'sleeping in a den with like 30 wolves' thing.It just felt..weird,when it was just him and taiga in the aprentice nook that was was crowded and stuffy!August who was in the nest beside him rolled over and nearly crushed him.It wasn't that august was really big more that grizz was small in comparison.Grizz eventually decided he wasnt going to get any sleep and got up from his nest and padded out into the forest.Since it was night the forest surrounding the camp was dark and silent.With the exeption of the ocasional cricket.As he walked he heard a branch snap behind him and his head turned franticly to see what it was "who's there!"he barked.Something leaped out of the bush at him "BOO!"taiga howled loudly." scared me.."grizz sighed."really?how- im not that scary"taiga laughed."to be honest anywolf lurking in the underbrush under the cover of night is scary"grizz barked.Taiga nodded "anyway..what are you doing up this late?" "what are YOU doing up this late"grizz retorted.Taiga sighed "I was hunting,most wolves prefer trying to pass through the territory when were sleeping..or so they think,anywho didnt I ask you first?",grizz nodded "yup..i couldnt sleep between being crammed into a corner,also earlier tawny decided try to 'help' me find my place in the tribe bye sending me out with qaurtzeye to see if I like scouting..I almost fell off the mountainside."He sighed "well..maybe you could try hunting?"taiga suggested.Grizz shook his head "me?a german shepard?try to fight a fully grown wolf to the death?"he sighed.Taiga looked down "ok maybe not..","sometimes I wonder why tawny even wanted me in the tribe..what am I the tribe's pet?"Grizz growled.Taiga shrugged "maybe to be the next leader or something..I mean they do seem to like you..and you dont nescesarily have to be good at hunting or scouting to be a just have to..have sprit,wisdom,and a good heart.","me a dog..lead..a pack..of canniblistic wolves.."Grizz stated sarcasticly while taiga shrugged "anything's possible".

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2023-10-27 15:47:29
The tale of the first mutt in the tribe.

Ana tiredly looked up at sun who was standing to the side of them."" sun's voice broke off,ana followed their gaze to one of her pups.They..they..had two heads!?"what wrong with it?"mudpup said waddling over,her mother gravelrush grabbed her by the scruff and growled "mudpup!stay away from that- that thing!","My pup isnt a 'thing' "ana growled back in defense.Monarch who was on the other side of the den stared without saying a word.Sun shook his fur "gravelrush no pup has the right to be called a matter how..strange they appear"they barked.Gravelrush backed down and padded away."what are you all babling about?you interupted my nap..I was on the otherside of camp,thats how loud you were!"smoke barked.She then blinked as she spotted the strange pup "well,I suppose that one is what caused all of this?I always thought we should embrace the odd things in life- without odd the world would be boring and bland.After all the first gag or joke mustve looked quite odd or strange,you embrace odd and the world will be bright,vibrant,colorful.And anyway we dont know maybe that pup is some kind of gift or omen"smoke rambled,she then paused and said something in swedish."good point,still i question why such a mutation occurd..Did anything happen out of the ordinary recently ana?"sun said flicking an ear."I mean about 2 and a half months ago I had caught a lanky looking adol...they seemed..sick..they had a weird smell but they tasted fine."ana shrugged.

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2023-11-01 07:08:02
Have we all forgot he's a dog?
Grizz waited at the lake silently.Tawny had told him that she wished to speak to him privatly,he had no idea what it was about had to be important.Tawny emerged from some nearby underbrush "greetings"she woofed softly "oh ur hi"He barked bowing his head.Tawny blinked "grizz- why are you bowing,im not going to eat you- well unless you annoy me"she added with a bark.Grizz knew it was probobly a joke and that tawny would never eat him but..still the whole living with wolves thing was new..and weird..and scary.Tawny was now gazing at the lake "were not very diffrent y'know,we both have four paws,we both have fur,we both eat meat",grizz nodded awkwardly he guessed tawny mustve picked up on his uneasiness."well yeah but..Its kind of hard ajusting..I mean living with wolves at least twice my size that are powerful enough to hunt others of their kind..."grizz sighed,tawny nodded slowly "you...feel like an outsider?" "well kindof?not entirely but..yea"grizz nodded.Tawny looked at him "..I am going to tell you a story,that most of the pack doesnt even know..just smoke,ahrk,snuhwalf,fox,saemi,grass,qaurtzeye of course,cedar,julstjärna and deer..thats it everyone else who knew is dead.You see..a long long time ago...big log our first leader had a litter of pups bird perch and ashitiko.Now this was before the pack even started hunting..wolves,we ate elk- honestly I dont know how we or any other wolf could stomach that disgusting sh- dung yes dung" tawny pauses abrubtly "um anyway ashitiko was taken- by a couger..sleet fall the father of the litter was charged with watching them while everyone was out hunting.As you can imagine pups getting taken by cougers isnt a nice thing to come home too..big log was mad..very the time I kind of just sided with big lo-" "wait if it was so long ago how were you alive?"grizz blinked in confussion "at- dont interupt,I'll get to it.Anyway in time big log moved on with someone nest"Tawny scoffed at his name "They had two litters together,at the time the pack had moved onto our and you know sleet fall right?I dont think big log had the heart to kill him but at the same time she didnt want to let them go,so he was imprisond in what is now the herb den.Now back to the pups the first litter had two pups fazesmog and florafur..youve probobly heard of florafur as she was our first offical herbalist.Now anyway back then we didnt have any suffixes like paw or pup you got your name as soon as you were born.Anyway florafur was actually a very very good hunter- but she didnt care too much for it.Anyway meanwhile bird perch was going through a bit of a..phase..anyway at this time around the time florafur and fazesmog were about a year and a half.The other litter was born around this time log and smoke also later on about a few months after they were born big log adopted a pup by the name of ahrk.Jealous wouldnt even describe what bird perch felt...I know a grown wolf hating an adol and a puppy..but bird perch had his reasons.Most of which he felt like he never had all the love and compassion that big log gave these pups.As a pup his own mother barely talked or played with him or did anything a mother is supposed to do,since she was busy with her own life problems.So bird perch decided to try to..get rid of..log and ahrk he lurred them near an unstable cliff side.The two stumbled log managed to grab ahrk by the scruff and the two were dangling from the ledge..they asked him to pull them up but he refused..honestly I didnt have any idea how they survived...but anyway bird perch made it back to camp and did a whole dramatic scene about how he tried to save them..then the two pad into camp..long story short big log..wasnt happy.She was angry very angry anyway he ended up infront of a council of gods..draellima was very fond of the idea of eating their soul while rye who was friends with sleet fall wasnt really up to it so the two settled on trapping their soul in a crystal for al eternity...well anyway at this point the tribeis moving back from the desert..becaus yes the pack thought that living in the desert was an awesome wasnt so they were heading back home to the mountains.Now before this,a little after bird perch got trapped in the crystal fox nest had got banished for not going in depth because I hate that wolf and if I talked anymore about them I would probobly fall out.anywho ljus dimma broke the crystal because- well its swedish loki what did everyone expect.But anyway bird perch now being free was well free..and he spent a bit of time watching the camp and the wolves before asking a god to reincarnate a wolf..I was that wolf now I'm not exactly the same wolf as you could probobly tell..which is what happens when you ask ljus dimma for things,anyway after a while it seemed like they kindof left me along while yes their spirit is withen me it feels..diffrent from when i was a pup and adol..they dont wish to intrude","anyway now iv found my own peace as leading this you know why I told you all this"tawny finished looking at him."uhh.."grizz thought for a few seconds."..I told you to prove a point!The point was your past doesn't define who you become.Yes you are a dog,but with enough determination you can do alot of seemingly impossible things!Grizz I wanted to talk to you because I was thinking of making you the next lead.."tawny sighed.Grizz's pelt fluffed "me!?why me?Have we all forgot im a dog!"he barked "and did you forget what I just said?I tried to murder puppies for goodness sake!what did you do?"Tawny barked,She then sighed "consider it will you?I wont put the pressure of leading on you unless you want it."She then padded off.grizz whatched her go 'why me?'he thought silently to himself 'why me'.

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2023-11-29 07:08:14
Dovewing's regrets
Dovewing was padding through camp as usual wing and shade were fighting over a leg bone since midnight was hogging all the food.She and the others spent their time hunting for food all day and they dont even get to eat it!In fact about a week ago auroasky had left in the night with her 2 pups...everyone in camp seemed a bit down about it..exept midnight who is always happy,spixmac however took it very hard and had tried to search for her.However she didnt find a single trace since it had rained.Dovewing knew she had nobody to blame for her life exept herself she couldnt say its midnight's fault since she had made the decision to accept his propsal..and to have pups with a murderer..and to decided to leave your entire life behind you because you cant bear to leave them.Their were plenty of better options back pine rush or sleet fall...both were around her age and realtivly nice..but nooo she had choose the one with the looks.Though how was she supposed to know he was well...himself,ok so maybe she shouldve asked questions...but..either way its too late now.

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

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