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BPC's First Ugly Duckling Pageant! (WINNERS ANNOUNCED)

BPC's First Ugly Duckling Pageant! (WINNERS ANNOUNCED)
Posted 2023-12-01 16:00:04 (edited)
Ugly Duckling Pageant

Sandy Shoals of the Nightfallers.
"'I may not be pretty, but I get the job done!' Greetings, and welcome all to BPC's First Ugly Ducking Pageant, where we flaunt the best of the worst looking dogs within our packs! Does your wolf have what it takes to be the ugliest of the lot?"

Winning Prizes
First Place - White Cliffs of Dover, Recipe: Stone Path Cave, Boar Tusks
Second Place - Nocturnal Meadows, Recipe: Overgrown Car, Canine Claw
Third Place - Wild Toucans, Recipe: Mustelid Fangs Tail Jewelry, Glowing Spores

Pageant Rules
1. Entry must be a living, working wolf. No immortals, deceased, or anything inbetween. If it's not aging, it's not for this pageant.
2. Entry must be in your pack before and during voting. Any wolf moved from pack to pack (even a traveler counts in this case!) will be disqualified.
3. Entry must be ugly by your standards. Voting will be based on the ugliest dog this time around, so give us some eyebleeders and static crunchers.
4. Please be civil. No flooding the forum with "But that one's cute!" or "They don't deserve to be in this pageant!", this is a matter based on the owner's opinion, not others'.
5. 12 entries will be needed to complete this pageant. No reserving slots either. I see you boo.

BPC's 1st Ugly Duckling Pageant  // Code by #86206

[Kim] Rolling Events Only

Posted 2023-12-01 18:34:26

An nbw that a lovely wolvden friend gave to me because it's a carrier (thanks :)). It was found while they were shitting. Image is link!


Posted 2023-12-01 18:59:27
I have Rolo! He's not much, but he's here for the fun of it! Rolo

Frisk | lights off

Posted 2023-12-01 19:18:53
@Frisk omg like the candy! and hes brown i love it


Posted 2023-12-01 19:28:02
@vernillion tysm!! I have to admit that between him and your wolf, I'm hoping you win! We love colorbombs!

Frisk | lights off

Posted 2023-12-01 20:01:06 (edited)
An old girl, she deathrolls in a few days, hopefully she lives thru this pageant lol. I'm not too fond of her colorings so here she be


Posted 2023-12-02 03:10:00 (edited)
My brachy carrier who never fails to give great pups.

Posted 2023-12-02 06:55:42
Entering a girl I'm using for a breeding project! Her red mask marking doesn't do her any favors lol !


Posted 2023-12-02 20:10:55
Ceallach, the wolf who could've looked pretty but came out . . . like that it's the base that effs everything up


Posted 2023-12-02 20:12:52
6 entries in, 6 to go folks! Send in them uggies

[Kim] Rolling Events Only

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