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Community Update #125

Posted 2024-01-14 20:06:15
It wasn't me. I'll tell you that. The wolf I made was pretty ugly anyways.


Posted 2024-01-14 20:06:43
Wish they said who won


Posted 2024-01-15 07:33:22

On the note of new Raccoon Wares biome-specific items, would love to see a flowering dogwood tree! They are beautiful.

An Altercation of Nature

Posted 2024-01-15 12:31:05

Posted 2024-01-16 12:50:00
News!! Love the stud

Posted 2024-01-17 10:13:48
I was very unhappy with the decision that was stated regarding the last poll for the same reason as other users very unhappy with the decision that was stated regarding the last poll.

I questioned the purpose of the poll when the highest vote didn't win. But then realized it was really awkward of me to think like that since I'm not keen on decisions being made solely on the majority rule. I shouldn't be mad that the highest vote didn't win, that's like not me.

Coming to the purpose of the poll, I think it was made to check whether the idea of making all NPCs 'playersexual' was very controversial in the community. I guess if there was like 75% of votes against the idea, this 75% would be more likely to be followed than the winning 41% that is not even above the half. Another reason why such decision was made could've been the player feedback on the matter - I must admit that Maladi was the most charismatic with her argumentation in that thread even though I disagreed with the option she supported.


Posted 2024-01-17 12:27:57 (edited)
(Elaborating on my original response)

In the past (at least on Lioden), polls usually are pretty clear if an overwhelming majority needs to vote a certain way for that to be implemented. And it's usually when they're deciding whether to make a major change from the previously-established norm.

But in this case, the previously-established norm was having the NPCs have established sexualities. Having them be playersexual at the end of last year was a band-aid solution to the uneven gender interest balance and lack of ability to earn one of the achievements.

It just doesn't make sense to me why they'd make the band-aid solution permanent without an overwhelming majority in favor of it. And it is uncommon for things like this to be so split!

There wasn't an overwhelming majority for either option. Which I would expect, like in the case of Karma and Herbalist/Alchemist, to spawn a series of polls to determine another option. Wolvden/Lioden are, for better or for worse, run very much based on these polls and discussion in the suggestions forum, even sometimes against the devs initial intentions. Karma is a very good example, as it was initially intended to be very much like on Lioden from my understanding, but suggestion forums and poll results (especially that these polls are run at all) seem to be leading us in a different direction.

I understand there isn't enough time to overhaul the system before February. But given that both options in the poll were already completely coded, I would have assumed they would  have gone with the one with the slight majority this year before entering the planning phases for making a version that makes more people happy next year.

The fact that they went against what they stated their intentions were last year and with the option that didn't win is just baffling to me.


Posted 2024-01-17 12:33:00
i hope they let us see the wolves' sexuality still at least, even if not everyone has to follow it. I will be disappointed if they don't even show it, for people if they wanted to follow it


Posted 2024-01-17 13:22:03
Since it's been decided to have the way with NPCs as it ended the last year, I have a few concerns:

According to sexuality balance, we're supposed to have 30 NPCs. We can get 7 NPCs in total for starter and matchmaking score while the remaining method is daily task. Therefore, for daily active players it'll take 23 days to get all NPCs and we're left with 6 more days to max out the few latest NPCs. Won't it cause too much pressure on activity?

Will gender identity matter in the game? Or maybe we can get NPC flavor text to match our gender identity?


Posted 2024-01-17 19:19:58 (edited)
Honestly i'm more unhappy with the NPC decor wolves we got last year, the fact that we need a darn jellyfish and a wolf to use as a stand in is what i hate more. I prefer just a regular decor item instead cuz i personally am not interested in wasting my time trying to get a damn jellyfish item and/or a wolf  to use each time we get those decors.

Tried it, hated it and been getting rid of the NPC decors i had earned last time. That's the main one i'd want fixed honestly for feb. It was nice of the devs but just no.
