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Two Breeding Male Slots

Two Breeding Male Slots
Posted 2024-01-13 12:54:19 (edited)
Hello! I had a simple idea, brought it up in a wolvden discord, and others seemed to like it so i'll share it here!
-You can buy another breeding male slot in grove for a one-time purchase of ~50 GC
-You can set separate descriptions, prices, and set them as public/private separately.

That's really it, I'd love to see this feature in the game and I think it'd improve the diversity of studs in the game. thanks!

-Tie it to pack size instead of buying in grove
-Only one can be public stud at a time


Posted 2024-01-14 18:03:03
I have to oppose because the cost would be expensive


Posted 2024-01-14 18:25:59
Well it's not forced, you wouldn't have to buy the slot if you didn't want to. it's just an option, like puppy stages.


Posted 2024-01-15 16:44:10
I would love if I could have 2 stud slots! Even if only one was allowed to be public stud

Posted 2024-01-15 16:55:57
Yeah this is a good idea too! I'd be alright with that


Posted 2024-01-17 11:25:03
This would definitely allow for more genetic diversity, strongly support. Even if they wanted to tie it to pack size. I would be okay with that too.
Quiet Voices

Posted 2024-01-17 11:43:00
Yes, pack size is also a good suggestion instead of buying it. it would probably amount to around the same cost. i'll add it to the original post!


Posted 2024-01-17 18:16:28
I prefer no more leniency regarding breeding mechanic. Once I was happy when pair bonds started existing and now I regret this.


Posted 2024-01-20 05:30:10
If I could have 2 studs I would destroy 2 markets at the same time and not just one.
I can't support this, I'm sorry. Wolves barely have any value already.

Indra [Hiatus(maybe)]

Posted 2024-02-15 17:43:59

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