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Chasing just bought wolves?

Chasing just bought wolves?
Posted 2024-01-27 10:25:10
Does anyone else find it really weird when someone will buy a wolf from you (especially if it was expensive) and then immediately chase it? Like idrc what people do with my wolves after they buy it but like why even buy the wolf in the first place if you didnt want it? Or you could of just sold it and got your money back whats the point 💀


Posted 2024-01-27 10:34:45
Raise and chase the lazy way I guess lol Wouldn't surprise me if that would be what's happening.


Posted 2024-01-27 11:20:58 (edited)
I've done it before, bought wolves and realised I'm not happy with it due to things I missed like being infertile (no shade to the seller I didn't check, it's on me) and realising I won't get my money back. Edit: I did raise these ones from puppies as they were bought as puppies and still put time and resources in to them, but I don't think that should matter? IDK.

I also love overburdening myself with puppies, and buying a cheaper wolf to pupsit for that duration with something desirable on it that will make it really desirable if it makes it through the chase.

I also imagine people might buy out lower priced puppies on the tp to chase to make theirs more rare, but I do not do this one.

End of the day if you sold the wolves you can't really dictate what someone does with what is their wolf afterwards. *shrug*


Posted 2024-01-27 11:51:23
Agreed with Quinn, I have done it a time or two when I realized I bought a wolf that didn't actually have whatever I was looking for because I didn't check closely enough or intended to use it for something that it turns out wasn't going to work out (ie: needed an adolescent to train real quick and bought one without noticing it had already been trained for the day, bought a wolf and realized it was related to a wolf I had planned to pair bond it to, etc).

I am also lazy and don't like trying to sell things I am not sure will sell quickly, and I don't want to have a wolf around taking up space/food/amusement trying to get it to sell when chasing is quick and easy. I also have plenty of SC, so I am not all that bothered chasing something I bought for a couple hundred SC if it turns out I don't actually need it, and it means I don't have to bother the seller trying to trade back. As well, some players also get really upset if you immediately try to resell something you just bought off of them, so then you have someone mad at you for trying to sell instead of chase. vOv

I wouldn't let it get to you too much, tbh, it's incredibly unlikely anyone is doing it to slight the seller personally or anything. If it's a wolf you didn't want, at least you got some SC for it or whatever with the sale, and if they aren't reaching out to you about a trade-back, they probably aren't upset about losing SC on a wolf that didn't fit whatever their needs were. :)


Posted 2024-01-28 13:38:34
I've done this on Lioden more times than I'd like to admit. lol. Due to reasons ya'll mentioned above, in a three step process:
1. I'm looking for something for a specific thing. Woohoo, I think I've found it! I get excited and buy it without paying close attention to details.
2. Sheepishly realize that lineage won't work, or something something this wasn't actually what I needed and I've wasted my currency.
3. Oops. Decide it's not worth keeping up a slot to try to sell again. Awkwardly chase away hoping the original owner doesn't notice or care too much, haha.


Posted 2024-02-06 14:04:44
I won't do this with really expensive wolves, but I do a fair amount of buying averaged priced long lines or inbred for R&C. Plus someone bought my only bred expensive but ugly serpentine and chased it. Someone found her and bred tons of TIII with her.

🍂 Leonca 🐆

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