Allow All Males to Breed within the Pack
Posted 2020-11-10 18:15:31
I'm hesitant to chase male pups, but honestly, if push comes to shove I'll always choose to chase them rather than just letting them take territory. |
Skyblaze #3120 |
Posted 2020-11-10 19:55:58
It may have been brought up already, but while intrapack breeding would be great, I don't recommend limiting it with male heats. Breeding cooldown should only start once bred, otherwise you would have to go huge hoops to sync up your pair's heats. Personally, I would actually like a cooldown half the length of the female cooldown so that you could have polyamory, but that might encourage overbreeding. |
![]() Bluefire #9279 |
Posted 2020-11-10 20:00:26
I'm not sure I understand the logic behind limiting male breeding with a cooldown at all personally. "Overbreeding" can still happen even if certain males aren't being used for it; if I fail to sync a pair up that I want to breed I could just as easily use a stud instead. |
![]() Robin #799 |
Posted 2020-11-10 22:25:15
@Robin- The logic is that both males and females can have the same number of litters if they both have to wait the same number of days between breeding. We want to make males and females even, in terms of breeding capability, in order to give males value whilst keeping the "breeding male" feature useful |
![]() VagueShapes #828 |
Posted 2020-11-11 09:41:21
Even if we don't get more breeding availability with non-stud males I feel we need some kind of big advantage to having males (increased exp gain, bonuses in fighting or hunting, etc). It leaves a bad taste in my mouth thinking of chasing out pups I've bred just because they aren't female. |
![]() Coyote #27789 |
Posted 2020-11-11 09:49:04
Even if they had those things, I still wouldn't keep them. The stat gain from those things would still go to waste and females would be preferable. |
![]() UnheardSiren #3537 |
Posted 2020-11-11 11:59:55
Support! I really don't like the current set up for breeding, and I think you have some great ideas here. |
diceyGambit #21979 |
Posted 2020-11-11 12:02:21
Personally I love the idea of: One Stud male, other males can breed within your pack. If they still want to limit it, though, maybe have like, an amount of slots for males breeding within the pack? As has been mentioned before, if our pack limit is going to be 200, then only have ONE male that can breed is..... OOF. It's rough. We're already seeing certain males with an excessive amount of pups bred, and while I understand that inbreeding has no actual effect on gameplay besides potential, like, carrying of muts and such, a lot of players would prefer to avoid it for lore purposes as well as it just being kinda meh. If we can have multiple breeding males, that'll help a LOT. |
![]() Auvry #3795 |
Posted 2020-11-11 14:55:13 (edited)
On the topic of males receiving bonuses to stats/hunting/etc to compensate, I really don't want that. Optimization would lead people to have all-male hunters & scouts with females being relegated to breeders & pupsitters, which.. leaves a bad taste in my mouth. :S And it still doesn't solve the problem of non-breeding males being genetically useless. |
![]() Mossfoot #23226 |
Posted 2020-11-12 00:05:17
Support 100% from me!! As a new player, I feel like being able to do even just breeding within my own pack would actually majorly encourage me to spend money, because I've got a lot of Newly Befriended Wolves that I'd love to customize, but I just don't see a point since they're not gonna be the breeding male anyways. |
Lim #28015 |