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Adding wolves from current relationships

Adding wolves from current relationships
Posted 2024-03-19 12:57:32
Just a small but kinda annoying thing with the socialization feature, that can (hopefully) be easily tweaked, and that's selecting a wolf from the current relationships tab, instead of having to scroll through or search for that wolf.

Searching for the wolf in the current relationships doesn't take all that much time, but it does get tedious after a while, more so when you have a large pack like myself, and don't want to use up all your amusement when you have the Strong Bonds talent applied (Pack members lose 5% less mood per day) With this small tweak you can just select from the social group already in place.


Posted 2024-03-19 12:59:40
I have thought this so many times, the clunkiness is half the reason why I don't use the socialization tab very often


Posted 2024-03-20 11:31:04
Definitely support!  I love the concept of the socialization feature, but as-is it feels too clunky for regular use, so I'm in the same boat as Greahound.  I pretty much only socialize the specific wolves that needs the EXP from socializing (blind wolves or my herbie as an example), but otherwise the current setup can get exhausting to try and use, especially for larger packs.

Kno ✨ (they/them)

Posted 2024-03-20 12:37:55
Support. To add onto this, I think it would be nice if we could make our own custom social groups, much like with hunting parties

Proxy Loves Mojaves

Posted 2024-03-20 12:44:31
I don't use socialization, so I completely forgot that was a thing.

⛺Campbell🔔 Cat🐈

Posted 2024-05-17 18:53:18
I rarely use the socialization feature because it's so clunky. Supported! I'd use it if there were recommendations that allowed you to quickly focus the relationships you want to foster.


Posted 2024-05-18 07:05:27
I really dislike how socialization system works currently so I'm for any tweaks for improvement, regardless of how small.

Posted 2024-06-24 09:07:31
I use the socialization feature DAILY because it's how I amuse my wolves (if you want to use 0 amusement on your adult wolves, equip the strong bonds talent and use the socialization feature and your adult wolves can be socialized daily with 0 amusement needed) but it could definitely use some tweaking. Support.


Posted 2024-07-28 10:16:50

I do use the social feature esp since it keeps my wolves happy and give a small exp boost for those who aren't activiely working/pupsitters who can only do so much.

I do love @Proxy Loves Mojaves #86672 idea though to have social groups set up similar to hunting parties do...I often organize my wolves and use emote/symbols to keep them sorted so that helps a bit.


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