[🔥ON SITE CAT RP] Journey to Haven 🌿
Posted 2024-04-25 10:16:29
Pigeonfeather Pigeonfeather glanced at the cat on Moonfeather's back and then looked at Kestrelheart as well. "Yeah, we definitely have to finish this patrol somehow.. I suppose it depends on whether Copper feels up to it. If she doesn't, somecat will have to take her back." He paused, then addressed himself to Copper. "Do you feel up to coming on a patrol with us, or would you rather head back to our camp? It's safe there, but some of us do have to finish this duty our leader gave us." |
![]() 💫KasperKat💫 #128485 |
Posted 2024-04-25 10:19:32
Copper (By 'eased Copper onto her back', I think you mean you put copper onto your back, so I'm going with that, sorry if I'm reading it wrong!) Now on Moonfeather's back, Copper quickly started to feel drowsy, she hadn't slept in a while, after all. Making herself comfortable, she laid down and let herself calm down. She didn't know what she had asked her friends, from being half asleep, but she now knew they weren't going to hurt her. Now calm and hopefully safe, Copper lay her spotted head down and fell asleep. (My bad, and you can go on with the patrol, Coppers not going to wake up soon ![]() |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-04-25 10:23:49
Moonfeather (Yeah, I did mean that.) "Okay, we might need to be quiet, but we can finish the patrol." Moonfeather meowed. Being quiet was easy for her, but she'd have to be extra careful with the kitten on her back. She looked at the two older cats, and waited for Pigeonfeather to lead the group. |
![]() ☽ 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽☽ #130366 |
Posted 2024-04-25 10:28:29
Silverbloom Knowing that Emberpaws left some of her squirrel on purpose, she twitched her whiskers in thanks, and swiftly ate the rest of the squirrel. Now not as hungry, and sure that her clanmates were safe, she trotted back to her mossy corner and started to carve marks onto a log next to her. She never knew why, but she enjoyed doing this, making unknown symbols on logs. Being scarred the most by the feral dogs, she didn't know what could still cheer her up, this seemed like the only option. Climbing was a no, having no tail meant having no balance, hunting and fighting were out of the clearing, being half blind, and helping others didn't seem necessary at this time, both the tension in the clearing, and the fact she had grown her non-caring, sarcastic outer shell. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-04-25 10:57:59
Kestrelheart Kestrelheart sighed quietly to herself as she watched all of the minor events unfold. All the while, she stayed where she originally was, keeping her still narrowed eyes on the strange apprentice-aged loner. "If you want to take her back to camp, I wouldn't mind patrolling with Pigeonfeather, but i understand if you three all want to stay together. I suppose, as Moonfeather said, we'll just have to be careful." She flicked her tail briefly and turned her eyes to Pigeonfeather, waiting for his call. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2024-04-25 13:39:11
Emberpaws noticed that Silverbloom finished up whatever was left of the squirrel, noting that perhaps she needed help hunting, or at least was more hungry than she let on. She pondered, 'Is there larger prey nearby? Chicken would be lovely, although she hadn't seen chickens since before the fire that earnt her new name.' She watched as Silver left for the den, huh, she hadn't noticed her missing tail before, was she born that way Ember wondered. The breeze blew over Emberpaws, there was a chill to the air. |
![]() xXDruidXx #2778 |
Posted 2024-04-26 01:48:19
Rainstrike The gray tom kept himself busy - at least as much as he could without venturing beyond the established barrier of their refugee camp. He felt many things still needed to be done, yet those tasks could likely wait until the patrol returned. It looked like most of the other cats had eaten by now, so Rainstike rumaged through what remained of the dwindling fresh-kill pile and plucked free a scrawny mouse. His paws guided him over to a patch of grass near the main den and he settled down to eat and let his limbs rest before ultimately he'd pace around again. His thoughts drifted to what Stagcall had said about the unidentified scent and the patrol. He hoped for their safe return - this time without needing to drop off a member of the patrol and venture back out. His tail flicked across the grass with a twinge of irritation. Up until this point, he had thought rather highly of Silverbloom. He did not view her as anything less than any of the rest of them because of her injuries. After all, only the strongest of cats could emerge from something so devasting and push to keep surviving. It wasn't any of his business, but he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. In Rainstrike's eyes, Silverbloom had been given a chance to prove herself and had failed. With a flick of his ear, he scarfed down the last bit of his mouse and rose to his paws. He padded across the clearing, ready to start his guard duties all over again. Rainstrike sat just outside the camp entrance and angled his ears to the forest, early awaiting the patrol's return and their news - whilst listening for signs of dogs. |
![]() Solkryn #3121 |
Posted 2024-04-26 02:04:41
Silverbloom (Rainstrike was guarding camp entrance on Silverbloom's blind side, and Silverbloom was in her usual corner, near camp entrance, so that's why Rainstrike startles her) Now having cleaned herself fully and her pelt gleamed again, Silverbloom stood up from carving on the log next to her and decided to go hunting. If I can't even finish a patrol without being so jumpy, the least I can do is bring back some fresh-kill. She told herself, slightly telling herself off. Turning to the camp entrance, the she-cat had not noticed Rainstrike guarding the camp entrance, and slightly startled herself. It's a clanmate, don't get scared at every little thing! She told herself off. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-04-26 02:16:34
Rainstrike The sound of paw steps made Rainstrike turn his head - though when he saw the source of it had been Silverbloom, he stood up and took a few short paces toward the she-cat. As far as he was aware, the she-cat had been injured. Recent events and her current demeanor had him suspicious. "Where are you going? Aren't you injured?" There was a sharp edge to his meow, though that wasn't uncommon. When the tom spoke, he was blunt and straightforward. It wasn't necessarily his business to stop cats from leaving camp, but he did care enough to try - especially when it seemed to dangerous to be going out alone. |
![]() Solkryn #3121 |
Posted 2024-04-26 02:43:02
Silverbloom "I'm fine" She replied. Was Rainstrike another cat that saw her weaker because of her scars? The sharp edge in her meow was enough to ask the question to the tom. "I'm going hunting, or do my scars tell you I'm too weak?" Silverbloom spat. She was defensive about her scars, and easily angered if someone thought she was weaker because of it. Now staring at Rainstrikes, her eyes blazed with fury, and her claws scraped the soft grass below them. I'll show him weak! She told herself. I'll show him that my scars aren't dragging me down! |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |