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New Improved Customs Swaps/Swap N Shop Forum

Posted 2025-02-22 00:10:30
We definitely fell a bit behind for event grinding! I'll get to these in the morning
Thank you for your patience


Posted 2025-02-23 12:39:25 (edited)
Looking to swap!
What I would like to have "Company of Faelcu hostile"

Datespot 5uses
Gyrfalcon observer 3 uses
Kypsy fin 4 uses (may have been 5)
Wolf: Dali 20 uses
coyote: Ludovic 19 uses

Posted 2025-02-23 13:37:44
custom decor swap!! (thank you in advance!!!)

dropping 2 CDs for:

button eyes and mouth stitches
kitsune tails (white)

rαıdεη🌟rolling: 3/15🌟

Posted 2025-02-24 06:27:06
Heya! Can I snag Land Shark[Ghost] and Snake Bites [Gold]?

Donating Hercules Constellation, and Orion Constellation!
Hazel's Abandon(on break)

Posted 2025-02-25 12:39:13 (edited)
Hi, I would really like the dark haze and smoky tailwrap decor but I'm not sure how much it is worth. I have a lot of wolf decors from the matchmaker event and/or I can buy something from lunar or matchmaker for it to donate.

Posted 2025-02-25 13:58:41
Everything is a general 1:1 ratio of similar origin! So swapping event for event is perfectly acceptable!


Posted 2025-02-25 14:26:22
alright, thanks.

Donating: Wolf: Swansea and Wolf: Tala for dark haze and smoky tailwrap

Posted 2025-02-26 12:01:48
Just donated a few febuary decors since I had spare overflow and I'm an ever faithful swap and shopper-

also...I still haven't got the things for the swap I did on the 12th..
Swap details
Donated:Purple Twisting Essence (#211074579) [3 uses], Smoky Quartz Tailwrap (#289651552) [3 uses], Lunar Wisp (#292748883) [3 uses], Muskrat Carcass Decor (#300076776) [5 uses], Glowing Eyes [Red] (#300077236) [4 uses], and Cupid's Drapery Punch [Chest] (#307969549) [5 uses]

wanted: lunar striped scar blue, blanket bog, El yunque rainforest, Celtic astrology jet hood raven feather

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2025-02-26 13:12:15
Yes I'll make sure the swaps get done amylog, was dealing with some major family business recently.


Posted 2025-02-28 13:17:22
Custom swap!

Donated: Rainbow Mist

Wanting Trans Flag Collar!!

🐺Lonewolf🌌 (Lucetria)

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