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Event: Springtide Howl Fayre

Posted 2024-06-27 06:00:06
awesome to see that you guys listened to the feedback and extended the event accordingly! thank you devs


Posted 2024-06-27 06:04:30
@John, of course you are entitled to disagree, but I'm entitled to my opinion as well as you and I'm not sure this is the appropriate platform for debates rather than sharing our opinions.

Personally, I really like WD not being an incredibly easy game aimed at young children like some similar games are, the challenge of it makes it more fun for me. I've seen similar complaints about the base game where people say it's difficult to figure out and WD should do more handholding. Personally, I strongly disagree and I think they mostly strike a fantastic balance.

Plus, I never said you *had* to speak to other people in order to figure out the competitions, and I simply don't think that's true. Lots of people figured it out themselves (if low gen isn't working, try high gen and so on). I don't think I've seen other people confused about the mechanics for the daily requests for example, not to mention if you don't want to go on the forums or chat, there's always the guides that great people spend a lot of time working on. One thing I really like about this game is that you get back what you put in, and I think this is a great example. Researching things via Google or the forums or guides is often definitely worth it. This is my opinion, and I'm entitled to post about it just as you are entitled to post about yours. Maybe lots of people will agree with you and they'll change it next year, who knows

On a different topic, I assume that means the app prices will not be going down? I think they are appropriately priced but I did see a mod a while back saying they were considering putting down the price


Posted 2024-06-27 07:57:02
I still highly disagree with the pricing of items in this event as it locks out casual players. I've managed to get 1 app so far and 1 purchased background. I won't be able to get enough gp before it ends for another app - and I've been on the more frequent side of casual. I can't even imagine how brutal this is for someone on much less than I am right now.
I don't think prices should be lowered to that of other events, definitely not, but 2k for an app is just way too high imo. Otherwise? I really enjoy everything else about this! I'd almost like a mini version of it as a game tbh :) I think that it's so fun makes the unaffordability of things sting a little less lol

Posted 2024-06-27 10:55:33 (edited)
In my opinion don't think the price is too high. Glow petals are fairly easy to obtain in terms of currency and we are given a lot of time to acquire them. It's understandable for those who are not able to grind due to work and other duties. However, considering how easy the glow petals are to get, I'm not sure if there will be a price decrease. I also think the price maintains the rarity of the applicators to some extent. But I understand where they come from; it's not always easy to grind for 2k and can take a while. Maybe pricing it to 1500 will make it a little easier for those who cant, but otherwise, i also think the price is fair.

This is a wonderful event, i love the variety we get in it and the art is absolutely amazing! I truly can't wait to see where it goes next year! I hope maybe the storyline improves a bit. Im also happy that we get more time on this cool event now!


Posted 2024-06-27 11:16:31 (edited)
To me it's not necessarily about how high the price is but the massive price jump between decor items and the backgrounds and apps. I've never seen such a big price jump between things in any of the events on this game, which is why I guess to me it's still pretty shocking. If the idea was that glowing petals are easier to get so things would be priced higher, then to me it only seems like logically everything would've been priced on the high side,  not just those items. Every time I see the jump from 100 gp to 1-2k gp while browsing the shops it makes my brain itch and I want to beg a dev to explain the logic behind the prices chosen. lol

ETA: I fully acknowledge that's a ME problem and the devs don't owe me any explanation. Just trying to express how it boggles my numbers-driven brain.


Posted 2024-06-27 11:44:30 (edited)
I am glad that the people who wanted an extension to the full event length got the extension. This event is a little too involved/too many options for me, so I was looking forward to a shorter event haha.

Now that it is nearing the end, I think the item prices are fine. I will be able to buy every single item in the item shops if I want which has NEVER happened to me in a wolvden event before. I usually can get a few backgrounds and the event applicators. I've had days where I didn't roll over and I am not babysitting the event 24/7. I am not sure if I will be able to finish the story though since I skipped a few logins. Not sure if this is set up already, but on the last day of an event is it possible to remove the rollover requirement and just let players continue through the storyline?

I like the different booths to visit and the groundhog game is so cute! Props to the artists for all the cute flower and plant art (I personally haaaate drawing flowers with all the petals and leaves lol so mad respect to the event artists!)
EDIT: Oh and pleeeease set up the groundhog game to reset every hour like contests. I havent done the random picker game much yet because I hate games of chance like that, so I am not sure if that timer is different too. All the event timers should be the same whether they all reset at the :00 hour or they are all 60 minutes apart.

The notification system for the contest wins is super annoying. I can't think of a suggestion to improve it though. I usually just wait to get enough to select all and delete, I don't even look through them.

If I could add one thing it would be to please add a filter/sort option when you are looking at your produce to turn into seeds! Filter/sort by Gen, star ratings, or whether it is a fruit or flower would be awesome.

Posted 2024-06-27 11:50:57 (edited)
I also agree with the notification system. I do wish there was an easier way to sort the notifications without taking up an entire notification page often. Maybe having a tab in the contest section that stores the notifications would be helpful. It's not a huge deal to me, but it is kind of a hassle.


Posted 2024-06-27 18:23:24
@John, just wanted to note of your point 4. When you take the daily request, it does actually say "Very good, very good. I need the following: 1x flower, 1x fruit, etc, etc. Can you grow and harvest them?"


Posted 2024-06-28 03:21:06
@Ninsun: Again, I'm going to have to disagree on what is considered "handholding." Additionally I think it's a bit… I'm not sure the word, but it's not really fair to assume everyone will think in terms like that. Not everyone has linear thinking that will lead from "oh, low gen isn't winning, obviously it's high gen then". In my case, I was confused, because my plants were all rated five stars and were doing just fine beforehand which showed that they had, at some point, been good enough. It isn't fair to assume that everyone will automatically understand the "obvious" line of thought.

@WillowRose: Oh, that's my own fault then!
John, Father of Spores

Posted 2024-06-28 03:37:33 plant, you harvest and wait and wait and wait and then it ends. Ok? That was the most boring storyline of an event so far no offense lol But ignoring that and looking on the bright side I really enjoyed the event itself
