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Event: Springtide Howl Fayre

Posted 2024-06-28 03:51:28 (edited)
@John you're obviously free to disagree, but I'm entitled to my opinion too, and I do think you keep misrepresenting what I'm saying, or possibly I'm not being very clear

My point wasn't that everyone should figure out how the contest work logically: I didn't, although plenty of people did. My point was that there are multiple ways to figure out how the contests work, from figuring it out logically as many people did, checking the forums, checking the guides, Googling it, accessing the chat, even PMing friends to ask them. Same as WD as a whole. Personally I think that's enough ways of finding out: you don't and of course you are entitled to that opinion.

However I don't think it's fair that you keep misrepresenting what I'm saying, by saying that I think "everyone" has to think logically to figure it out by themselves, or on your last post you said that I said that people "have" to contact other people to figure out how the contests work. My whole point is that there are plenty of ways to figure it out depending on your strengths. You are of course entitled to think that there aren't enough ways but I don't think it's fair to misrepresent what I'm saying and twist it into saying "people have to do x in order to understand the contests", which is the opposite of what I'm saying.

We don't have to agree with everybody on here, and we are allowed to have different opinions from you! This is already far too much discussion on this subject for me 😂


Posted 2024-06-28 03:59:24
@Ninsun: Not trying to come across that way, apologies Merely saying my interpretation of your point. I also never said no one was prohibited from having differing opinions than me, I'm just making conversation and discussing opinions of the event which is largely the point of threads like these. Player base feedback is important!

Regardless, my individual opinion stands that the contests were unclear, and you're allowed to disagree with that. Nothing of what we've said has changed my opinion, however.

Also, I must agree with @Eri. That was a really, really anticlimactic finish. I finished the story as Abilene's friend and basically waited five days to be told "wow, that was cool."
John, Father of Spores

Posted 2024-06-28 04:16:21
No worries, I wasn't trying to change your opinion, just give mine! I agree player feedback and opinions are important, I just wasn't prepared to get the third degree over mine 😂 Generally this is more of a sharing opinions space than a debate space in my experience, and I like it that way haha

Totally agree with everybody posting about the anticlimatic finish of the event, I guess they ran out of time because the rest of the event is so elaborate? Hopefully they will improve it next year 🤞


Posted 2024-06-28 04:28:31
@Ninsun: Oh no, I wasn't trying to give you the third degree I apologize for coming across that way. I tend to just be rather blunt during discussions especially when it comes to player experience with new features in games, I promise it wasn't anything personal! I wasn't at all upset or anything I think I just lack the social finesse to appear non hostile
John, Father of Spores

Posted 2024-06-28 04:48:28
@John don't worry at all, internet talking is difficult! Hard to get tones across and all that. But yes possibly taking it down a notch or two in the future might be a good idea ;)


Posted 2024-06-28 06:13:21
Personally, I would've hoped the game had at least hinted at the winning conditions for the contest. I had a lot of time to play and had a very good run in the start of the month, but after I got enough plants to 5 stars and had to figure out another direction, I misinterpreted the mechanics (assumed that by being able to harvest high quality + low gen seeds was an indication of something but it wasn't) and ended up wasting so much time in trial and error that by the time I realized the correct combo, I had been set back enough that winning contests got pretty hard even with all the time I had available to grow my produce.

I don't frequent the forums much, and didn't really know where to look for event-related guides (there were none in the event-talk subforum when I went looking), and I don't play with friends, so I feel like the event expected me to have these hidden soft skills to accurately participate instead of providing me with hints or info through actual gameplay. Still, I had a good run so I'm not upset or anything. I just loved  growing my produce  so having the wind knocked out my sails due to lack of info was just disappointing and kinda disenchanting.

Other than that, the event was super fun and I'm excited for its return!

Posted 2024-06-28 16:35:30
On the next event it would be nice to have the addition of decorations related to pollinating animals( or maybe even related items that accelerate the growth of mutant plants), such as bats, birds or bees. I see a lot of potential for new additions for this event to grow better in the future!


Posted 2024-06-28 19:03:52
Honestly one of the few things I'd like to see changed is the rollover requirements. I'd like to see it made like the Coigreach event where the quest starts & progresses on certain days instead of requiring rollovers like it does now.

Posted 2024-06-29 18:05:31

I hope we will get a full list of all possible plants from this year, and then next year have possible new ones. I know a lot of players were keeping track of what they got but it would be so much easier to know what was coded.


Posted 2024-06-29 19:55:05
QUESTION: I know we would lose all the fruits/flowers after the event so next year is a clean slate. So I'm curious, near the end of the event, will we have to manually sell all of our remaining flowers and fruits to get the glow petals for them before the event ends? Or will we automatically get the glow petals for the fruit/flowers for any we have left over after the event ends (which the glow petals would then be saved for next year)?
