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Sharkdog Adopts (paused)

Posted 2024-07-09 11:33:06
I'd like to explore!
Location: Reef
Items: Fresh bait!

Vampyre Lamb ⚒

Posted 2024-07-09 17:15:05
going out to explore with a sweet spray in the abyss...


Posted 2024-07-10 12:23:24
I'll update the list! I know I'm a little behind right now but I'll let things done today :) I had a ton of errands but I'm free for most of today now

two birds eat damp toast

Posted 2024-07-10 12:30:58 (edited)
Ima buy a premium bait + a floral pheromones. Then I'll explore the Swamp using the premium bait, the pheromones, and 1x sweet spray from my inventory.

Also putting my seagull companion on this girl


LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2024-07-10 15:05:57
I'll add it to the list! Tonight's plan is Ray and Darkheart's litters and the first two or three explores.

two birds eat damp toast

Posted 2024-07-10 21:13:27
I didn't get as much done as I wanted today. Thankfully no pups are due tomorrow so I can catch up on explores then. Thank you again for your patience. Also, I don't remember if I said anything yet, but I'm searching for another artist to help me with these. Keep all profits from encounters and litters you do! Super flexible, message me if you're interested.

Darkheart's Pups

After a long labor, you're finally able to see the one pup your mother sharkdog conceived. Aww!! How cute.

Name: 63
Generation: 3
Gender: F
Base #a8bdb4
Extra #d4b0b3
Saturn #8db9c3
Eye #31376a

Breeding 3/3

Saturn U
Seasonal Antlers Autumn E
Furry Hooves E

Mark 1: None
Mark 2: Fawn #8ea08b/617282 80%Β  U
Mark 3: Stripes #cfd9d7 59% U
Mark 4: None
Mark 5: House Finch Mask #5d6e5e 81% C

Ray's Pups

It's late into the night but you can't sleep when you know your female is labor. After what seems like forever, she tiredly comes to retrieve you and show off her new litter. What a proud mama!

Name: 64
Generation: 2
Gender: F
Base #f3e6e2
Extra #d4f2e4
Crystal #ac7cdd
Eye #68b0c2

Breeding 3/3

Gator Tail U
Deer Ears U
Crystal L
Seasonal Antlers Winter L

Mark 1: None
Mark 2: Spaniel #b6d6b2 40% U
Mark 3: None
Mark 4: Fern #eccc96 74% E
Mark 5: None

Name: 65
Generation: 2
Gender: M
Base #d0bd9d
Extra #aefae0
Eye #6eb8c5

Breeding 3/3

Deer Tail U
Furry Hooves E

Mark 1: Emperor Throat #569172 48% C
Mark 2: Fawn #9cd6b7/fbe2d5 96% U
Mark 3: Flower #f5d3a1 80% E
Mark 4: None
Mark 5: None

two birds eat damp toast

Posted 2024-07-10 23:49:55 (edited)
Aww, I didn't get the deer tail. Anyways, I'll name her Autum

Location: Glacial Waters
Items: Herbal Pheromone, Canned Bait {Both from hoard}

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-11 21:12:49
All of this will be added to hoards tomorrow because I'm going to bed. Goodnight!

Tea's Explore

Diving down into the depths, you can't help but to be excited about the things you can find! Armed with your sweet spray, you navigate to the bottom and scavenge along the seafloor to find goodies. Unfortunately, no sharkdog seems interested in your spray, but you find a few useful items. You've obtained 1x Canned Bait and 1x Tiny Snail Friend.

Petter's Explore

It's very chilly out in the glaciers. You watch penguins swimming around, curious about you and your bait. Eventually, a soft blue head peeks up at you, drawn in by your bait. You wait a little longer, but it seems as if you'll only get one today! Oh well. You've obtained 1x Chinstrap Penguin and the following sharkdog:

Name: 66
Generation: 1
Gender: F
Base #b5cddc
Extra #c0bfcf
Eye #c1bfd0

Breeding 3/3

Deer Tail U
Furry Hooves E

Mark 1: Orca #d8e7ee 91% C
Mark 2: None
Mark 3: Chinstrap Back #275775 46% C
Mark 4: None
Mark 5: None

Walfflewolf's Explore

Exploring the frigid waters, you watch as your fragrant sweet spray spreads in the water. It doesn't take long before an oddly out of place sharkdog follows you home. Nice! After that, you move to the abyss to see if your luck will hold. It's dark, and your sharkdog seems antsy to get back to shallow waters, so you don't stay long. You still manage to pick up a few useful things before your head back. You've received 1x Scarf, 1x Whale Calf Companion, 1x Bone Necklace and the following sharkdog:

Name: 67
Generation: 1
Gender: M
Base #fc16fd
Extra #362736
Mane #d1571b
Eye #4df505

Breeding 3/3

Shiba Tail U
Lion Mane U

Mark 1: None
Mark 2: Striped Underside #3742b7 14% U
Mark 3: Throat #33a5ef 39% C
Mark 4: None
Mark 5: Seraph #4c365b 59% U


Warm breeze, summer sun, seagulls all around you; what more could you ask for? You close your eyes and relax a while, waiting for your bait to take effect. It isn't long before you're startled by a new friend gnawing on your fresh bait. You've received 1x Seagull, 1x Summer Shades and the following sharkdog:

Name: 68
Generation: 1
Gender: F
Base #ec6a4b
Extra #75554e
Eye #783240

Breeding 3/3

Kelp Tail C
Snail Shell U

Mark 1: None
Mark 2: Reverse Dutch #fbcf0f 47% U
Mark 3: Socks #9f8a85 51% C
Mark 4: None
Mark 5: Shell Striping #563b38 25% C

two birds eat damp toast

Posted 2024-07-11 21:33:47
Finally, I got a cannet bait ! I will later use it

˚୨୧ πŸ΅πŸ’­ ⊹ ΰ£ͺ Λ–-Alex

Posted 2024-07-12 21:46:32
Today's litters are going to be delayed a day. I unexpectedly have to work another 10 hour shift tomorrow so I have to go to bed earlier that anticipated. I'd also like to announce that I'll be going back home on the 18th for about a week. I won't have Internet on my tablet so uploads will be incredibly spotty and random. Explores are closed tomorrow so I can finally finish the salmoncats. One is up for a lil sneaky peeky for you guys! Check the Salmoncat Raffles post on the first page.

Huh. Ayatara's pregnant sharkdog seems to be more uneasy than usual. She's pacing a lot and can't seem to settle down. I wonder what that's all about?

Lemontree's Explore

Firstly your seagull has been equipped finally

Heading into the swamp, you navigate through murky water and looming trees. You're a little uneasy carrying the bait. You can see a few big crocs looking at you as you go. One seems to be brave and gets closer and closer...only to be interrupted by a sharkdog coming to your aide! You don't stick around much longer than that, but your new buddy protects you the whole way back. You've received 1x Ball Python, 1x Cattails, and the following sharkdog:

Name: 69
Generation: 1
Gender: F
Base #49332b
Extra #b6c078
Eye #616249

Breeding 3/3

Catfish Whiskers C
Imp Tail R

Mark 1: Fox #4e8d71/31b8a7 62% C
Mark 2: None
Mark 3: None
Mark 4: Seraph #693d2a 46% U
Mark 5: Skeletal #90ac97 84% L

Darkheart's Explore

Heading to the glacier and armed with some decent bait, you navigate the chilly waters. It's relatively warm for being in the arctic, and watching the ice flows around you makes you realize how small you really are in this world. While you ponder the meaning of life, you're startled by the crunch of a can. Oh. Your new buddy seems to have swallowed your bait whole. You've received 1x Leopard Seal Pup and the following sharkdog:

Name: 70
Generation: 1
Gender: M
Base #204a64
Extra #849dd6
Eye #d6d9b4

Breeding 3/3

Spaniel Ears C
Penguin Tail C

Mark 1: None
Mark 2: Chinstrap Unders #5dd3cc 55% C
Mark 3: None
Mark 4: Emperor Throat #516d83 75% C
Mark 5: None

two birds eat damp toast

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