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Love for the mods!

Posted 2024-09-13 08:28:33
It's the first four mods!


Posted 2024-09-13 08:29:49
@DarkHeart, I noticed, they look great!! :)


Posted 2024-09-23 16:10:29
Green worms

❄Xmas Idiot 🖕

Posted 2024-09-23 16:28:22
Teehee green worms on a string


Posted 2024-09-24 08:24:29
True, the mods are so nice!
I once did something wrong in the Player Guids Forum and was asked by a mod to remove it from my post, and normally, I panic very easily, but they were so nice and sweet and reassured me I wasn't in trouble (as long as I removed it ofc), and that was so nice
More games need mods like the ones in Wolvden tbh.


Posted 2024-09-24 08:33:32
Hello midnight! Good to see you here too

They are incredibly nice, and I would love for a mod or two to find this. Just so they know how much we appreciate them!


Posted 2024-09-24 08:34:41
Hey DarkHeart! :D

That would be so great! Well, they found the "Don't Let The Staff See" topic, so hopefully, they'll see this, too XD


Posted 2024-09-24 08:36:13
Gimmi a sec, I have an idea for some art!


Posted 2024-09-24 08:38:26
Oooo great!


Posted 2024-09-24 09:06:49

To all of those wonderful mods out there!

(I know it's not art of the mods, but I had to )


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