Warrior Cats RP - ThunderClan Territory
Posted 2024-07-22 02:17:17
Mousekit Slowly blinking her eyes open, the brown kit wondered what her mother was thinking. Then, a small sneeze can from her, knocking the kit over. Did she have a cold? Nightwing had been coughing lately, and visited the nursery. Perhaps his chill had passed onto Mousekit? It would be bad ether way, passing it onto her siblings. Standing up, the brown she-cat walked over to the other side of the den, still in her mother's view. Frostwisker would understand. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-07-22 03:02:43
Dew hung in silvery droplets from his whiskers as he passed a clump of ferns. A broad figure, light on his paws, quietly made his way back to camp. His tail whisked with anticipation. A feeling. An unnerving twinge in his chest. Sleepwalker's ears pricked, his jaws full as he carried fresh herbs. His pace would have quickened, would it not be for having to slip through the tunnel into camp. For a moment, his eyes flitted up to the sky, praying silently that StarClan continues to watch over them. The medicine cat submerged into the depths of his den. Moments later, after briefly storing the herbs, Sleepwalker calmly padded into the clearing. Still, this feeling remained, an innate urge that compelled him to move. There had been rain. A damp chill draped over the camp. It wouldn't be long before the warmth of dawn would thaw this creeping chill. Sleepwalker made his way to the nursery. The aroma of fresh bedding emanated from a nest of soft leaves and moss adjacent to Frostwhisker and her kits. An undertone to the aroma drew his eyes to Mousekit, who lingered at the far side of the den. "Mousekit," Sleepwalker trilled warmly. He managed to hide his concern from his voice. "How are you feeling?" The medicine cat spoke softly, careful not to disturb Frostwhisker. |
ILIAD #126209 |
Posted 2024-07-22 03:08:33
Mousekit Another small sneeze came from the small she-cat. "Like I have a chill... I don't want them to catch it..." Was her reply to the medicine cat's question. Despite the warm tone of Sleepwalker's meow, his ruffled fur gave away his concern. "Nightwing was coughing earlier, he might have caught a chill to" The brown kit informed her medicine cat. Hopefully it was nothing, and just a chill. Whitecough would be terrible, with the little amount of warriors in the Clan. Greencough would be even worse. Another small sneeze came from Mousekit, this once causing her to loose her balance. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-07-22 03:32:57
He nodded, listening attentively to the young she-cat. Nightwing too, he noted internally. Like second nature, the medicine cat's mind flickered to the images of herbs that would help Nightwing's case. As well as Mousekit. Her brilliant eyes did not appear dull. Her pelt was as vibrant. "I understand," Sleepwalker meowed, lifting his gaze momentarily to Frostwhisker. "Thank you for letting me know, Mousekit. Would you feel better if you rested in the medicine cat den? At least for a night, to see if you get better?" He offered, glancing back to Mousekit. |
ILIAD #126209 |
Posted 2024-07-22 03:42:15
Mousekit "If it stops it spreading, yes, I would." She agreed, standing up. Her eyes might have been vibrant, and her pelt as brown as ever, but inside she felt like a flame was growing, only getting worse. The kit hid this, to make sure no cat worried to much. It would be fine, right? Padding over to Sleepwalker, the green-eyed she-cat wondered if it was truly a chill, or something worse. The elders told stories of kittencough, was a burning flame inside a symptom? Probably not, it was only rain that had caused her to start sneezing. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-07-22 03:59:43
The medicine cat led the way to his den, and with a nod he pointed to a nest with fresh bedding. "You can rest here. I'll be right back." For a possible fever, and the approach of a cough, Sleepwalker selected a few strands of feverfew. His nose wrinkled as he tasted the leaves. It's an acquired taste, he thought humoredly. "This will help you with a fever. They taste bitter, however you must eat them," Sleepwalker placed the broad and downy leaves at Mousekit's paws. "And to help cure your chill, I've brought you lavender for your nest." He began gently lining the nest with the sweet purple flowers. "Are you hungry at all?" He finished adjusting the nest and stepped back, tail curling over his paws. With time, he'd monitor her sneezing and fever. He could almost feel the heat radiating off the kit, and Sleepwalker knew he'd do anything to care for her. |
ILIAD #126209 |
Posted 2024-07-22 04:06:45
Mousekit "No, I'm not hungry. Can you tell Frostwisker where I am, before she starts to worry?" She asked, not wanting her mother to panic. Bending down, the brown kit started to eat the bitter tasting herb, not complaining, but clearly not liking them. If the medicine cat gave them to her, it was for her own good. Once the last of the feverfew was eaten, Mousekit looked around. "Are you going to get Nightwing, to?" The brown she-cat asked. The black tom was also coughing and sneezing, he might have caught the same chill. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-07-22 04:33:45
Now Nightwing was really worried, not just for Pigeonpaw, but also for himself. The sun has already came over the horizon, and his cold was getting no better. I... I just can't let anyone else catch it, I need to feed and defend my clan... Even as he was thinking these thoughts, he sneezed and jumped up in surprise. The warm greenleaf air felt cold on his pelt and he was starting to get really tired... Nightwing shook his head. A few more minutes and I'll go looking for him... |
![]() 𝕎𝕒𝕗𝕗𝕝𝕖𝕎𝕠𝕝𝕗 #141752 |
Posted 2024-07-22 05:15:46
Cherrypaw paced in the medicine cat's den, worried about little Mousekit. It's just a chill, it's fine, probably just the storm from earlier... |
![]() 𝕎𝕒𝕗𝕗𝕝𝕖𝕎𝕠𝕝𝕗 #141752 |
Posted 2024-07-22 05:21:24
"Yes, I'll go tell her," he answered, beginning to stand up. He gave his chest fur a few quick licks, in an attempt to rid the taste of the bitter plant. Sleepwalker had turned to leave Mousekit when she gazed around, inquiring of Nightwing. He dipped his head respectfully. "And Nightwing, too. Rest well, little one." Sleepwalker left the medicine cat den, tasting the air for Nightwing. His scent was stale, intermingled with Pigeonpaw's. They were most likely hunting. The darkness of twilight brought an unwelcoming chill to the forest. He stepped into the nursery and carefully placed himself in front of Frostwhisker's nest, as not to disturb the kits' rest. "Frostwhisker," Sleepwalker mewed, ears trained on the nursery entrance. Awaiting Nightwing and Pigeonpaw's possible return soon. Hopefully. He would find the two of them, otherwise, if needed. |
ILIAD #126209 |