Warrior Cats RP - ThunderClan Territory
Posted 2024-07-22 05:26:22
Cherrypaw sat next to Mousekit, grooming her pelt. "Its okay little one... it's okay..." she whispered. Soon the rhythmic strokes of her tongue lulled mousekit to sleep and she got up to join Sleepwalker. "So, Mousekit has a chill, it's not much, I'm sure she will recover, that feisty one..." With everything under control, she made her way out of the camp and started tracking Nightwing. Though she was just a medicine cat apprentice, when Cherrypaw though something was right, nothing will stop her. Soon she found Nightwing pacing, coughing and sneezing with a faraway look in his eyes. Let's just hope it's not whitecough or even greencough yet... |
![]() ππππππππ ππ #141752 |
Posted 2024-07-22 05:28:54
Nightwing was on the verge of running into the forest until he caught a scent. It was Cherrypaw, Med-cat apprentice. |
![]() ππππππππ ππ #141752 |
Posted 2024-07-22 05:35:24
Mousekit Cherrypaw's soothing words and rhythmic strokes caused the already tired Mousekit to fall asleep. Yet, the brown kit's dreams were plagued with sickness, and cold weather. It's just from the chill! Your fine! Desperation crept into her thoughts. She couldn't have whitecough! Or greencough! ThunderClan had little warriors and apprentices as it was. If the she-cat died now, that would be one less apprentice for the small Clan. The brown kit wouldn't let that happen. She would hang on, for as long as she needed! |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-07-22 05:41:54
------------- Frostwhisker --------------- Mewing in distress Frostwhisker paced in the den. Her kit was sick... was she gonna be ok? Chirping she continued pacing. How did this happen Frostwhisker didn't understand. The only ones to visit the nursery had been Nightwing and Pigeonpaw. Stalking out the den deciding to check on mousekit, she noticed Nightwing. Seeing her demeanor she decided it must be his fault. Hissing in his direction, Frostwhisker gave him a glare. Finally at the medicine den, she went straight inside. Seeing her kit asleep she directed her attention Sleepwalker the medicine cat. "How's mousekit, is she feeling better? Did she take her meds? Is it Kitten cough?" asking one question after another. Her worry made her continue her pacing. |
![]() πππΉπΉπΎππ #92194 |
Posted 2024-07-22 05:48:14 (edited)
Mousekit "I'm fine, mum! Ive taken the feverfew and it's just a chill. I'll be fine." The distressed mew from Frostwhisker had woken the green-eyed kit. Now the chill was starting to take it's toll on the small she-cat.Β Her eyes started to dull, and the occasional shiver shook her whole body. A small sneeze came from Mousekit. "You stay with the others, worrying about me so much will only make them scared." It was true. The other kits, her siblings, would catch on soon that something was wrong, if Frostwhisker stayed in the medicine den. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-07-22 05:52:46
He held his demeanor steadfast in the stormy winds of a mother's love. He respected the fierce queen, and in her presence met her gaze evenly. "She needs rest," Sleepwalker mewed reassuringly, his tail sweeping the floor of the den as he turned to gaze upon Mousekit once she spoke up. He remained quiet, though he agreed with Mousekit. "Cherrypaw and I will keep watch over her, and with time it will pass." |
ILIAD #126209 |
Posted 2024-07-22 05:55:46 (edited)
------------- Frostwhisker --------------- Chirping to her sick kit, Frostwhisker hurried over to her. "Your littermates were still asleep when you and I left, I'll go back soon. Do you want some food? I brought some food into the nursery and was gonna feed it t you kits when yall awoke." Cooing to her kit she gave her a stern glance. "Next time you feel sick, you need to tell me immediatly, okay?" Nuzzling herself into her kit Frostwhisker knew she'd have to leave soon to check on her other kits. Hearing Sleepwalkers words, she still didn't feel relief but still replied kindly "thank you, let me know if their are any updates." |
![]() πππΉπΉπΎππ #92194 |
Posted 2024-07-22 06:03:29 (edited)
Mousekit "I'm not hungry, and I promise I will. I just didn't want to pass the chill onto you..." The brown kit admitted. The more she moved, the more the blazing fire inside of her burned. Curling up into a tight ball, Mousekit fell back asleep quickly. Nothing truly showed just how much pain the small she-cat was in, and she would make sure of it. Once more, her dreams were full of plague and unwavering sickness. This time, cats started to die... It's just your fear! ThunderClan will be fine! It's just you and Nightwing infected, after all. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-07-22 09:36:58 (edited)
His ears swiveled to Frostwhisker as she spoke. His heart thrummed with gentle compassion, and a focused keenness set on the kit herself. "Of course, Frostwhisker. If you feel any kind of sore throat, or running nose, please let us know immediately." His tone was kind, yet firm. Sleepwalker lowered his head next to hers, and dropped his voice so that only the queen could hear him. "She does need to eat, though. If it's okay with you, may you please bring her the fresh kill you mentioned?" Sleepwalker's tail settled over his paws once more. |
ILIAD #126209 |
Posted 2024-07-22 12:24:47
------------- Frostwhisker --------------- "Of course, I'll bring her favorite... mouse. Hopefully that'll tempt her to eat." Worried eyes examining her sick kit again. Making her way back to the nursery, Frostwhisker knew she'd have to watch for signs that her other kits were getting sick. Padding back in she found her kits just starting to wake up. Glancing over at the mouse she decided to give her kits the squirrel before heading back to the medicine cat den. "Hey sleepy-heads, I've got some bad news... your sister is sick, she'll get better but for now I need yall to let me know immediatly if you feel ill." Giving each of the a stern yet loving stare. As soon as the words left her mouth each kitten was mewing in distress. Lynxkit lept to his feet "Can we see her, I need to see her." Crowkit trilled in distress "Is their anything.. anything at all we can do to help?" Dapplekit paced back and forth "Momma is she really gonna be okay?" Licking the top of her kits heads she explained that there was nothing they could do currently besides eat their squireel while she brought the mouse to their littermate. Dropping the squirrel at the feet, she grabbed the mouse before heading back the medicine cat den. "Here Sleepwalker, make sure she eats that, I have to go back to the kits, and settle them down." With one last glance at her kit, Frostwhisker went back to the nursery. |
![]() πππΉπΉπΎππ #92194 |