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Warrior Cats RP - ThunderClan Territory

Posted 2024-07-22 12:46:45
Sleepwalker | Med Cat | Mentions: Frostwhisker, Mousekit, Cherrypaw

The medicine cat dipped his head to the queen. "Rest well, Frostwhisker," he mewed as she disappeared from the den. Cherrypaw hadn't returned in awhile, though he trusted his apprentice and her passion for her duties. Sleepwalker picked up the mouse and settled down beside Mousekit's nest, placing the fresh kill within her reach. It was then that he felt the kit's radiating heat.

Sleepwalker, slowly as not to disturb Mousekit's sleep, lifted himself to his paws. He withdrew into the herb stores, tracing his nose along the leaves and flowers and stems. Catnip. They needed more catnip. However, a few borage leaves remained intact. Sleepwalker took several leaves from the cleft of stone and returned to Mousekit's side. He gently licked her ear, attempting to rouse her from sleep.

Posted 2024-07-22 13:43:40
Nightwing walked over to Cherrypaw.
"You have to understand... the clan has to little warriors and to many mouths, and it's just a chill."
"Oh, you have to understand." Cherrypaw replied, "Mousekit is already sick because of you!"
"Wha- what? I got the chill after I visited the nursery though..."
This was bad news... It could be kitten cough, or whitecough, or... or... Nightwing didn't wan't to admit it, but there was a chance that Greencough had made it's way into the camp.

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-22 13:45:09

After the stressing discussion with Nightwing, Cherrypaw decided there was only one thing to do.
"*sigh* you go collect some catmint, next to the twoleg place, while I check on Mousekit."

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-22 13:48:26
Cherrypaw walked over to the med-cat's den and explained the situation to Sleepwalker.
"Nightwing... he got the chill after he visit the nursery, there was no way he could've contaminated her, I-I don't know what to do..."

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-22 14:16:50

Nightwing went off to find some catmint, his coughs racking his body and making it hard to walk. Shivers traveled down his spine and made him feel like he was in the middle of leafbare. Finally he found some of the sweet-smelling stalks and nipped them off, careful not to take to much. All the way back, he was tempted to chew on the leaves, but knew that the precious juice couldn't be wasted. By the time he got back to camp, it was sundown.
Where is pigeonpaw...?

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-22 16:16:47

Even though his chill worsened with every passing day, Nightwing was determined to find Pigeonpaw. With his coughs echoing through the eerie night, he patrolled the Riverclan side of the border and stopped at fourtrees to catch the young apprentice's scent. With no luck and his chill worsening in the cold night air, Nightwing layed down to rest.

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-22 16:22:00
She stalked towards Nightwing. "Greetings," She dipped her head in greeting. "You don't look too well. Why aren't you in the medicine den?"


Posted 2024-07-22 16:23:16

Nightwing tried to stand up and hiss at the intruder but he was to weak.
"please... please get out of the territory..."

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-22 16:41:43
"I recognize you. Yes…you're that tom I met a few days ago. You sound really sick. You shouldn't be out here!"


Posted 2024-07-22 16:59:17
I- I know that... my apprentice went hunting and he hasn't come back for two sunrises.

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