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Warrior Cats RP - ThunderClan Territory

Posted 2024-07-23 13:57:24

Cherrypaw started to panic. Mousekit's weak body was becoming warmer and wamer, hence less like a chill. Her breathing was fast and shallow and her eyes dull. Her coughs racked her tiny body and white discharge was coming from her nose. Mousekit has caught whitecough. Cherrypaw pawed some catmint her way and started licking her fur, telling her to eat it. Mousekit couldn't even move forward and Cherrypaw had to push the herb down her throat. Multiple times, Mousekit gagged, draining her energy.
She's in the paws of Starclan now...
When she thought about Starclan, Cherrypaw had an idea. She curled up beside Mousekit, mimicking her breathing and then fell asleep.

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Posted 2024-07-23 15:15:14

(Sorry I'm joining the RP so late, I have three OCs in different downs so it's sort of hard)

Lightningstrike walked past the medicine cat den, eyeing Cherrypaw and Mousekit with a mixture of curiosity, confusion, and concern.

Posted 2024-07-23 16:36:55

------------- Frostwhisker ---------------

Frostwhisker watched as cherrypaw lay down beside her, pacing back and forth she waited to see if anything would happen.


Posted 2024-07-23 17:40:36
Pigeonpaw | he/him | warrior apprentice

Pigeonpaw saw that Frostwhisker was telling a story to her kits just as he asked his question, so he hastily withdrew, instead going to the apprentice's den and laying down for another nap. Though he had just slept, he truly felt as if he had been running with StarClan cats through that entire strange dream. Maybe he had?

Regardless, he slept deeply. When he woke up, he padded out into the clearing and suddenly smelled something strange. The scent of sickness...immediately, his mind made the connection. Nightwing. Nightwing had been coughing. His mentor must be in the medicine den.

He made a beeline for the greenery-covered den, sticking his head in to see Frostwhisker pacing back and forth as Cherrypaw curled around a small, dark shape. Oh StarClan...Mousekit. Mousekit had whatever sickness this was. In a nest towards the back, he saw his mentor as well.

"Is there anything I can do?" Pigeonpaw meowed softly into the dimly lit den.

Posted 2024-07-23 17:49:23 (edited)

------------- Frostwhisker ---------------

" I don't know" Frostwhisker meowed desperatly. "My kit won't wake, then Cherrypaw lay down beside her without telling me a thing. My poor baby, she isn't getting better" Practically panting with worry, she continued pacing


Posted 2024-07-23 17:52:53
:Pigeonpaw | he/him | warrior apprentice

Pigeonpaw saw the distressed queen, and his heart went out to her. The poor mother was so worried for her little kit.

"Where are the other kits?" Pigeonpaw asked, wondering if someone was keeping an eye on them.

Posted 2024-07-23 18:02:17

------------- Frostwhisker ---------------

"I told them all a story, and they fell asleep. Its been awhile since I've checked on them, would you mind doing that for me." Frostwhisker trilled, her voice high with stress


Posted 2024-07-23 18:02:46

"Ug... the stars are dancing"
Nightwing rolled over, feeling a burning sensation instead of shivers. He saw Pigeonpaw and Frostwhisker standing over Mousekit.
"Go... I don't want you t-to catch t-this terrible s-sickness..."

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Posted 2024-07-23 18:06:00
Pigeonpaw | he/him | warrior apprentice

Pigeonpaw flicked his tail with worry. "Frostwhisker, you should go be with your kits. If they wake up and get hungry, I have no milk to give them. And you shouldn't be with the sick cats. You endanger the entirety of your kits if you get sick. I can stay here and help Cherrypaw with Mousekit and Nightwing. Trust me, if a single thing changes with Mousekit, I will run and tell you so quickly, I swear on StarClan." He made direct eye contact with Frostwhisker to ensure she knows he's being genuine.

As Nightwing croaks the words of warning out, Pigeonpaw looks to him, but says only, "Nightwing, there aren't many paws in the Clan, we need everyone on deck. And I've already been exposed to you quite a bit..."

Posted 2024-07-23 18:18:52

"Pigeonpaw... y-you're a strong a-apprentice, a-and the only r-reason my s-sickness is so b-bad is because I d-d-didn't get it t-treated earlier. I-I'm sure if y-you feel unwell, y-you will come s-straight away, u-unlike me..."
Nightwing had a faraway look in his eyes, as if imagining the different possibilities...

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