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Warrior Cats RP - ThunderClan Territory

Posted 2024-09-01 16:46:00

Deciding to at least try, I stepped unsteady out of the nest. Glancing at Cherrypaws sleeping form, I padded over to the den entrance and slipped out.

Switching to gathering page

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 2024-09-01 17:25:15

Nightwing returned to camp, with a jaw full of prey. Looking at the moon, Nightwing quickly raced to fourtrees. Nightwing was intruiged by Shellkit's scent being there, but disregarded it.

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-09-01 17:25:48
(Ugh oh😳)

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 2024-09-01 19:52:21

Staggering through the forest, I gasped as an ache settled on my chest and my stomach cramped with pain. Doubling over in pain, I collapsed to the ground as my legs convulsed. "Help," I called out weakly.

(Let's just say, all that moving around help the little poison left in him to circulate faster through his body)

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 2024-09-02 06:24:23

Cherrypaw woke up, surprised to see both Nightwing and Shellpaw gone.
Oh no!
She dashed out of camp, tracking Shellpaw's scent. As it got stronger, she could also scent fear in the young apprentice's scent. When she saw the apprentice, he was lying on the ground, almost motionless.
"Where were you!?" Cherrypaw said.
She quickly grabbed Shellpaw by the scruff and dragged him back into camp.
Difficulty breathing, stomach pain, convulsions. Oh Starclan...
Cherrypaw ran back to the herb stores, hastily taking out the ones she would need.
"Yarrow, an oak leaf, and juniper berries..."
Quickly, Cherrypaw ran back and coaxed Shellpaw to eat the herbs.

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-09-02 07:32:36

Nightwing tracked Shellpaw's scent through the dense foliage and eventually walked into camp... and the medicine cat's den. Rushing in, he saw Shellpaw's agonized form, with Cherrypaw next to him, trying to get him to eat some herbs.
"Oh Starclan! Is he alright??"

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-09-02 10:42:29

Gulping down the herbs with a little trouble, i gagged, puking all over the floor. "Thanks," I rasped, drifting off to a painless sleep.

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 2024-09-02 11:59:22

Cherrypaw slowly started grooming Shellpaw's fur, making sure all the debris was gone. Then, she deposited the oak leaf full of puke into the dirt place.
"Sleep well, troubled one."

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-09-02 13:08:17

Dreaming...Β  prancing through the forest, ears pricking at the call of a sparrow. Tilting my head back, I narrowed my eyes at the sparrow mocking me from the trees. Huffing in anger as the sparrow mockingly chirped, fluttering it's wings, storming over to the tree I scaled stealthily up the trunk.
Stepping onto the branch, I pounced, satisfaction exploding in my chest as I sank my teeth into the sparrow neck, it's frantic chirps abruptly quieting. Lifting the bird proudly I gasped, eyes widening in fear as my paw slipped out from under me. Clawing for a grip, I yowled as I plummeted towards the grounds.

Jerking awake I laid panting on my nest, smelling freshkill I glanced up. Unable to know what to think upon spotting that very same sparrow sitting next to my nest, shakily leaning forward I sniffed it, relaxing at the traces of nightwings scent. nightwing must have caught it earlier and i didnt notice
"Morning cherrypaw," I chirped at the shecat.

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 2024-09-02 13:18:31

Cherrypaw dipped her head.
"Mornin' sleepyhead, time for your herbs."

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

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