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Warrior Cats RP - RiverClan Territory

Posted 2024-07-21 12:15:35
... Ug... Dandelion leaf for shock...


Posted 2024-07-21 13:49:13
Nightpaw | Medecine Cat Apprentice | Female
She nodded and started sorting the herbs into neat piles. While doing so she sneaked glances over to Nettlepaw. From the looks of it Nettlepaw fell into the river and almost drowned. The other medicine cat apprentice couldn't swim yet, right? That was something the two apprentices had in common. Even though she was already ten moons old the black she-cat hadn't learned to swim yet. That is because she had trouble going close enough to a body of water bigger than a puddle to fall in. Ever since she almost drowned as a kit she was scared of river. She fell in while playing and if a warrior hadn't fished her out, she would be dead now. That was also when she had broken her leg. It never healed quite right and now she permanently limped on it. Many assumed that that is the reason she had become a medecine cat apprentice. That was true, she would make a lousy warrior with that lag, but it is not the only reason. She actually wanted to become a medicine cat.


Posted 2024-07-21 13:52:33 (edited)
Nettlepaw rolled over and saw Nightpaw rummaging through the herbs.
I wonder if she can swim...


Posted 2024-07-21 14:16:37
lick fur... wrong way...


Posted 2024-07-21 15:54:46
After a long, long time, Nettlepaw was able to stand up without much trouble.
She immediately started looking through the stored herbs and saw that Bonesong had brought some watermint home.


Posted 2024-07-21 17:27:40

Dapper felt reassured once Nettle started to recover.


Posted 2024-07-21 17:34:03
Hmm... I should probably learn how to swim before the med-cat gathering...
Slowly, Nettlepaw went over to Bonesong to talk about learning how to swim.


Posted 2024-07-22 02:00:13 (edited)


"Don't you need a bit of time before that, after that? But, yes, you will learn. So far we have been using the stepping stones, and I have to carry Nightpaw over them. It will be much better if you know how to swim." She teased. The black apprentice had always been scared of water, and they would need to overcome it before Bonesong joined StarClan. Turning her head, the white she-cat noticed Dapperleap. "Come on, some herbs are getting stale, we need to gather more. You open to help?" The medicine cat asked. "These two need to sort our current herbs, and get rid of any unusable ones." She added.


Posted 2024-07-22 05:03:57
Okay time to look through our stores...
Borage-fevers, bellyaches, milk. Chervil- kitting, infected wounds...
It went on like this.
At the end, Nettlepaw discovered that we were low on Alder and Catmint.


Posted 2024-07-22 06:42:18

Dapper looked at Bonesong and then nodded "Of course, what do you need and could you show me what they look like?" Dapper said


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