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Warrior Cats RP - RiverClan Territory

Posted 2024-07-24 05:32:41 (edited)


Looking up at the sky, a sudden realisation hit the white medicine cat. The gathering was today! "Come on, you two! The half-moon gathering is today!" Turning around, with the Nettlepaw and Nightpaw close behind her, the three of them travelled across the river, then, hesitantly, entered WindClan territory. They would have to travel through to get to the Moonstone, but Bonesong always felt guilt at going across another's territory...

{Entered: WindClan, will post there now of the traveling to the Moonstone, then post at the gathering thread}


Posted 2024-07-24 09:37:18

She walked into the camp, watching Dapperleap put the herbs in the medicine den. Silent went and put the squirrel next to the two trout she had caught earlier that day. She three an annoyed glance at Riverfeather. The deputy could have at least hunted something to bring back to the clan, something to show that she wasn't at a twoleg house. But Silentstalk ultimately turned and headed back out of camp, this time, just to stretch her legs with a nice run through the territory.

Posted 2024-07-24 09:51:47

Riverfeather had collected a couple of feathers to adorn her nest, and a few of her clanmates' if they were willing to do a favor...

Posted 2024-07-24 13:43:17

Nettlepaw bounded behind Bonesong


Posted 2024-07-25 17:42:18

Nettlepaw breathed a sigh of relief when she crossed the border. Though she was a med-cat, she still didn't feel comfortable doing it. Trotting back towards camp, Nettlepaw day-dreamed about the starry cats in her dream


Posted 2024-07-26 17:00:30

Nettlepaw was restless after her trip to the moonstone. She saw the starry cats of the world above them, but she couldn't tell anyone! This made her work much more efficiently and smoothly. She constantly came back with just the right amount of herbs and laid them out to dry faster than ever. She even checked Dapperleap for ticks without complaining!


Posted 2024-07-29 16:28:39

She padded towards the medicine den, curious as to if they needed anything. She'd hunted for the clan and she wondered if they needed something to eat after their trip to the moonstone.

Posted 2024-08-04 12:27:37

Nettlepaw acknowledged Silentstalk with a nod. "Thank you for thinking about us, I've already eaten, I was starving after the gathering, the first thing I did was take the plumpest vole from the pile. I'm not sure about Bonesong though, I didn't see my mentor eat yet..."


Posted 2024-08-04 17:19:07

She nodded in acknowledgment at the apprentice's words and looked around to see where Bonesong might have gone.

Posted 2024-08-04 23:55:00


The RiverClan medicine cat was at the ThunderClan border. Only she knew this, but the other Clan seemed riddled with sickness. They even sent a cat with greencough to a gathering! They may need some help. Was her thought posses. Perhaps they need some catmint? Medicine cats got a special freedom. They could band together to help any cat of any Clan. It was so that no Clan was left to die out, and ThunderClan was already running low on warriors.

{This has been posted on both ThunderClan and RiverClan threads}


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