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Warrior Cats RP - RiverClan Territory

Posted 2024-08-12 09:20:26 (edited)
oop sorry I was just talking to a different male lemme change that


Posted 2024-08-18 10:10:47


"You're right..." A small sigh escaped the white she-cat. "Every cat is loyal to their Clans... But then... Why..?" Her voice trailed away, like it hurt to much to say what was on her mind. Standing up, the fluffy tabby decided worrying did nothing, and if their medicine cat starved, the whole Clan would suffer. But, despite that, Bonesong couldn't find it in herself to eat anything. Instead, she padded over to the medicine den, and checked what herbs they were low on. Catmint... Marigold... Watermint... That seemed to be it.


Posted 2024-08-18 10:11:33

Nettlepaw tried to act as normal even though the prophecy was constantly bugging her. She helped the elders with ticks, pulled thorns out of pads.
I doubt anyone went to the gathering... everyone is still talking about the omen...


Posted 2024-08-18 10:17:22

Nettlepaw followed Bonesong and saw that they were low on Catmint, Marigold, and Watermint.
"I can look for the marigold and watermint, they grow near eachother."


Posted 2024-08-18 10:26:08


"I'll go find some catmint, then. Nightpaw!" She called out to her second apprentice. "Me and Nettlepaw are going herb gathering. If anything happens, treat the cat and then find me as fast as you can!" It's what they always did, her and one apprentice went out herb gathering, and the remaining apprentice would treat any injuries, and if it was serious, they would find the white medicine cat once treatment was provided. The two were growing to be fine medicine cats, Bonesong realised with pride.

Now out near the edge of RiverClan territory, the side that no Clan bordered except them, the fluffy tabby padded next to the forest, as that was where catmint grew best. A small bird call distracted the medicine cat for a bit. The call escalated into a shriek, it was the hawk from earlier! Without thinking, Bonesong leapt into the cover of the forest, until the brown bird of prey flew away.


Posted 2024-08-18 10:28:43

Nettlepaw was scouring along the river's bank when she heard Bonesong's shriek. Terrified for her mentor, Nettlepaw ran towards the noise, praying she was okay. When Nettlepaw reached her mentor, her face was shocked, eyes wide open.
"Are you okay!?" Nettlepaw asked, worried, "Do you want me to get some dandelion leaf for you??"


Posted 2024-08-18 10:34:13


"F-fine! Let's j-just get those h-herbs, then go b-back..." Her voice was shaky, the white medicine cat had never been this scared, not even when she was faced with a badger! Why were StarClan's warnings so.. So ominous? Creeping out of the forest's cover, the fluffy tabby's purple gaze didn't leave the sky. Would the hawk return, just to make sure Bonesong wouldn't forget the message? Why did StarClan torment her like this, had she done something wrong to deserve being scared like this? Surely others were getting the same message... Right..?


Posted 2024-08-18 10:40:39

"You definitely need the leaf. Stay right here, I don't want you going anywhere."
Nettlepaw opened her mouth ajar, scenting for the herb.
good thing we're in the woodland right now.
Soon, she scented the sweet scent of the flowers and ran towards it. Picking off a couple leaves, Nettlepaw ran back to her mentor. Dropping the herbs next to Bonesong's feet, she said one word, "Eat."


Posted 2024-08-18 10:51:11


Silently, the white medicine cat ate the herbs her apprentice had gathered. With how much panic she was in, the fluffy she-cat realised, she was ignoring her personal needs, preparing for things that may never happen. Gathering herself together, Bonesong decided the two would gather catmint tomorrow. "Let's go get those watermint and marigold, hm?" Another bird call came, but this time, it was one of a woodpecker. And, just before the two left, the tabby gathered one of the hawk's feathers. "Just wait until the other's see this!" She joked.


Posted 2024-08-18 10:54:27

Dapper sat in camp, washing his face in a calming motion. The camp was calm at the moment.


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