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Warrior Cats RP - RiverClan Territory

Posted 2024-07-22 14:13:50
Nettlepaw went out for catmint, as it was more important. Finding a couple of fresh stalks, she started nipping some of, careful to not lose to much of the precious juice. She had to resist the tempting aroma all the way back home and placed the herbs down to sort. When she finished, Nettlepaw remembered that she saw a beehive on the way and went over to Bonesong to talk about getting some honey.

Waffle-y Christmas!

Posted 2024-07-23 00:35:05


The medicine cat was just about to leave with Dapperleap, when one of her apprentices brought up honey. "Honey? You don't know how to collet it without being harmed! I'll look out for it once me and Dapperleap are out." Nodding to the warrior, the white she-cat head out of the den. Trotting over to the camp exit, Bonesong started to explain what different herbs looked and smelled like, pointedly avoiding herbs like nightshade and deathberries. If they found any, all patrols would have to be warned not to touch them.


Posted 2024-07-23 13:45:45

Dapper nodded as he followed Bone, this information is very helpful for him and the clan, it makes them safer on patrols


Posted 2024-07-23 13:50:41

Bonesong's rejection saddened Nettlepaw but she still had work to do. Trotting out of camp, her mouth was a ajar, scenting for Alder

Waffle-y Christmas!

Posted 2024-07-23 13:57:13

Riverfeather sat on a fence near a twoleg house, grooming herself. Her gaze darted around as if waiting for someone or something.
LunaTheMoonWolf (BREAK)

Posted 2024-07-23 14:34:22

The dark-furred shecat had been out hunting and was returning to camp with a couple of trouts in her mouth. She set them on the prey pile and looked around. The camp seemed fairly empty and she wondered if there was anything she could do to contribute more to the clan. She decided she would go out hunting again. As she left camp she headed over towards the twoleg houses. She doubted that any of her clanmates would have hunted over there in a while. She trodded through the trees, watching her surroundings for any sign of prey or danger. She also admired how beautiful RiverClan's territory was. As she neared the line of fences that marked the start of the twoleg houses, she paused, seeing Riverfeather, her clan's deputy on one of the fences. Silentstalk darted behind the tree to watch her higher ranking clanmate.

Posted 2024-07-23 14:40:48

Dapper looked around for the plants that Bonesong was discribing.


Posted 2024-07-23 14:52:05

A cat, a kittypet by the looks of it, walked up to Riverfeather with a twoleg behind her. The twoleg had something in its hands that looked like it was made out of wood and Riverfeather bounded off the fence. She stretched up to the twolegs' leg and purred. The twoleg bent down and applied something on Riverfeather's fur and began to brush it with the thing in its hand.
LunaTheMoonWolf (BREAK)

Posted 2024-07-23 15:00:12

The shecat gasped silently at what she witnessed happen next. Her deputy went up and seemed to purr at the twoleg! This was against the warrior code! Silentstalk seemed to hiss at that. She just couldn't believe that Riverfeather was doing this. What was the shecat thinking!? Silentstalk moved closer, trying to get a better view. Silentstalk would have to tell her leader about this. Right? What would happen to the RiverClan deputy though? Silent didn't know what to do, so she just observed her clan's deputy purr and let this twoleg touch her with its big paws. Silentstalk's fur fluffed in disgust at wat she was seeing.

Posted 2024-07-23 15:08:18

Riverfeather's ears pricked. She turned her head sharply to see Silentstalk. "Oh, it's you," She narrowed her eyes.
LunaTheMoonWolf (BREAK)

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