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Warrior Cats RP - RiverClan Territory

Posted 2024-08-06 16:29:25

Nettlepaw wondered why her mentor went over to Thunderclan territory. Probably just full medicine cat stuff...
Either way, Nettlepaw now had the chance to see how she would do without a mentor and only Nightpaw by her side. She helped one warrior with a scratched pad and another with a thorn. Nettlepaw even helped groom the elders' pelts for ticks! (Though she wasn't very happy about it...)


Posted 2024-08-11 08:15:09

Nettlepaw reluctantly followed after Bonesong, noticing the lack of reassurance. Her eyes felt like they were glued to the stars, words ringing in her ears, to quiet to make out.
"A hawk's feather..." she mumbled, "And three screeches... what could that mean?"
Silently, she slipped into the river, shivering from the cold. The stars on the water rippled and momentarily made the shape of a cat. Nettlepaw blinked, and it was gone.
Using her strong hind legs, Nettlepaw propelled through the liquid starlight.
This is in both Riverclan and gathering thread


Posted 2024-08-12 07:13:43

Nettlepaw spent many sunrises trying to figure the omen out. A hawk... Three, fierce screeches... a feather? Wait. No... It can't be. He's completely loyal to his clan...


Posted 2024-08-12 08:09:47


Not a single word came from the white medicine cat. While this wasn't unusual, it was after a gathering or prophecy that silence from her was worrying. A chilling realisation had been made. Not even the call of a seagull could wake the fluffy she-cat from her thoughts. Bonesong's tabby paw was working furiously in the sand, making some sort of map to what the prophecy might mean.


Posted 2024-08-12 08:11:00 (edited)

Nettlepaw walked up to Bonesong.
"Should we talk about the omen? I have a hunch on what it means..."


Posted 2024-08-12 08:15:39


The fluffy tabby flicked her ear to signal she had heard her apprentice, but was to deep in her thoughts to fully listen. Her white paw continued with the sandy map. Three feathers... Three cries... One feather falling into a nettle patch... Another falling close to an abandoned badger den... The last swept away into the night sky... What could it all mean?


Posted 2024-08-12 08:21:04

"Um... hello? Earth to Bonesong? It might help if we talked about our suspicions together. Right now, we know that three feathers landed in three different areas, an abandoned badger den, blown away into the night sky and a nettle patch..." Nettlepaw just realized what she'd said. "Wait a Nettle patch. Could it be talking about me? Oh no..."


Posted 2024-08-12 09:09:55


"It was a defective nettle patch. Something stopped it developing fully. And if I know my apprentice well enough, you aren't deformed. Nothing stopping you." The reply was flat. All the medicine cat's concentration seemed to be on the prophecy. That was something unusual. The silence should have been the first warning. If that had been missed, the mapping in the sand couldn't. Something was wrong.


Posted 2024-08-12 09:16:05 (edited)
"Maybe we should focus on the hawk itself. There's only one cat in the four clans with the word hawk in their name. Fiercehawk. Fiercehawk is loyal to her clan and because she's a deputy, she has to be good... Maybe she will save the clans?"


Posted 2024-08-12 09:19:48
HIS?!? HE?!?


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