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Those Who Survive ~ Wolf RP Thread

Posted 1 day ago

Ranger - Hunter of Powered (not yet lol) - 4yrs - Location: outskirts of camp- Tags:  Lily, Kyla, Raven

"No, it's OK, Kyla, I don't mind," he reassured her. "You can touch it. I honestly don't mind what you do with it, as long as you don't bite it," Ranger said jokingly, uncurling his tail so Lily could look at it. But then, he quickly sobered up. "It's a lot better when someone is interested in me, instead of shunning or hurting me because of how I am. I was despised in my original pack, until I was chased a very long ways away from the pack. They thought that I was a freak. A monster. Some even went as far as claiming that it was my fault for the alpha disappearing suddenly. I was only 2 years old when i was violently rejected. That's why I came here when I heard about the Powered pack, because I thought that I would finally belong somewhere."

Eragon (Warforged)

Posted 1 day ago

Lily - Pup of Powered - 5mnths - Location: Outskirts of Camp - Tags: Kyla, Raven, Ranger
Lily's perked up in a heartbeat. Moving closer as soon as he uncurled his tail. First she looked it over, taking in the look and texture of the fur. It seemed normal for the most part, just longer and thicker. She pressed a paw onto it and giggled at his fur tickled her paw pad. "They are are amazing! Even though I still like Raven's wings better, your tail is awesome!"

Kyla - Hunter of Powered - 5yrs - Location: Outskirts of Camp - Tags: Lily, Raven, Ranger
Kyla let out a small sigh, "Well, not all of them are stupid, Lily. Some of them are just too fearful to accept those who are different, despite how helpful they could be. It's the ones who got out of their way to hate and hurt those who have changed. They are the problem." She shook her head, "I know. I've heard of how those who got modifications to their bodies when we got these powers have been treated. I suppose it makes me partly grateful Lily didn't. She would have the time of her life, but even with her power I know she will face hatred." Lily glanced at her mother, she knew it was because she didn't want her to suffer, but Lily really would have loved to change. 


Posted 1 day ago
Raven-hunter of normal-4 1/2 yrs-location: a field close to powered camp-tags: Kyla, Lily, Ranger

Raven shifted slightly on her paws, her wings ruffling a bit before refolding down seconds later, she wasn't to sure what to do, so she just observed.  Her eyes moved to the sky for the moment, thinking about, who knows what, probably flying away from the conversation, hilariuosly enough.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 1 day ago

Ranger - Hunter of Powered (not yet lol) - 4yrs - Location: outskirts of camp- Tags:  Lily, Kyla, Raven

"Thanks, Kyla. That's very kind. I feel better about it now," Ranger replied, sniffling slightly before smiling sadly at Lily, who was fascinated by his tail. "I also got some sharp claws out of the change," he added, lifting a paw to show his sharp, hooked claws to Kyla. "I kept accidentally scratching myself when I first got them, so I had to learn how to stop hurting myself with them," he chuckled.

Eragon (Warforged)

Posted 1 day ago

Kyla - Hunter of Powered - 5yrs - Location: Outskirts of Camp - Tags: Lily, Raven, Ranger
Kyla stared at the claws for a moment, "Those should definitely come in handy for hunting." She chuckled slightly, "Well, I believe we have all had mishaps with something revolving around these powers. Which is another reason why others without sometimes fear us." She shook out her fur slightly, glancing towards Raven and then back to Ranger and Lily. "Shall we head back to camp then. We are close and the night isn't getting any younger. Lily, you will have plenty of time to ask Ranger questions tomorrow... You young lady need to get some rest, even if you don't feel tired anymore."

Lily - Pup of Powered - 5mnths - Location: Outskirts of Camp - Tags: Kyla, Raven, Ranger
Lily huffed, "But mom, wouldn't it be better for me to be exhausted. Then I could just sleep all day and the pupsitters wouldn't be bothered by me." Her tail wagging, her words made Kyla pause for a moment, "Well that...." She shook her head, "Nice try young lady, but you need to sleep. As is, you'll probably sleep into the afternoon and you don't need to have you're schedule all messed up." Lily huffed, "Fiinnneee." She said trudging along the path towards camp, Kyla shook her head, but there was a smile on her face.


Posted 1 day ago
Raven-hunter of normal-4 1/2 yrs-location: a field close to powered camp-tags: Kyla, Lily, Ranger

She took that as an opportunity to start walking "great idea, I'll meet y'all there, gotta track down storm!" she said in a somewhat cheerful tone and turned, trotting towards powered camp, maybe that was to much socializing, her brain was like *weeeee*

Ghost of the lost

Posted 1 day ago

Ranger - Hunter of Powered (not yet lol) - 4yrs - Location: outskirts of camp- Tags:  Lily, Kyla, Raven

"That's alright with me," Ranger said, uncurling his tail. He stopped, stretched, and leapt into the air. He then turned and glided after the group, only flapping occasionally to maintain his altitude. When they emerged from the trees, Ranger flapped his wings once and pulled a sharp dive downward, landing near the group. "So, where's the hunter's den?" he casually asked Kyla, as though he hadn't just dropped down near her.

Eragon (Warforged)

Posted 1 day ago

Lily - Pup of Powered - 5mnths - Location: Outskirts of Camp - Tags: Kyla, Raven, Ranger
As soon as Raven darted off, Lily set her mind to trying to keep up with her. Her shorter legs didn't help with that though, Raven easily leaving Lily in her dust. But that didn't discourage her, she pushed herself. Panting as she entered camp a bit after Raven, her heart thrummed in her chest, but she smiled. She hadn't been super far behind, at least not in her mind. She headed for the hunter's den, waiting for her mom.

Kyla - Hunter of Powered - 5yrs - Location: Outskirts of Camp - Tags: Lily, Raven, Ranger
Kyla chuckled slightly as Raven took off, perhaps bored of the conversation. Maybe she had felt left out or she truly did just want to see her sister. She shrugged padding along the trail as Lily tried to keep up with Raven, failing miserably. Her eyes wandered up towards Ranger who had smoothly taken to the skies and glided above them. She wondered how many times he'd caught prey using his ability to fly. She arrived, yawning slightly as Ranger dropped down next to her. "Over there." She said, pointing her nose towards the direction Lily was heading. "I'll leave you there for a moment and then go check on Lilith, I can't help but be worried."


Posted 1 day ago

Ranger - Hunter of Powered (not yet lol) - 4yrs - Location: outskirts of camp- Tags:  Lily, Kyla, Raven

"Alright, thanks," Ranger replied. "I understand your concern for her," he added as she turned away. He then turned to follow Lily, trotting to catch up. "Hey," he said, coming up to her side, "Is there a specific spot in the den for newcomers? I don't want to accidentally sleep in someone else's spot."

Eragon (Warforged)

Posted 1 day ago
Raven+Storm-hunter of normal+warrior of powered-4 1/2 yrs-location: powered camp-tags: each other

Basically as raven stepped foot into camp, a shape slammed into her from above "OOF!" she grunted and looked up to see storm smirking down at her "still easily tackled" she commented, which earned an eye roll. "oh shut it, your still a competitive mutt" Raven replied managing to shove the slightly larger wolf off with a grunt.

Ghost of the lost

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