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Those Who Survive ~ Wolf RP Thread

Posted 23 hours ago

Lily - Pup of Powered - 5mnths - Location: Outskirts of Camp - Tags: Kyla, Ranger
Despite how hyper and stubborn Lily had been with her mother, now that she was near their bed the waves of tiredness that had hit her before were back. She yawned, "Mom was right..." She mumbled, instantly heading for their little bedding made soft, dried grass.

Kyla - Hunter of Powered - 5yrs - Location: Outskirts of Camp - Tags: Lily, Ranger
She paused for a moment, "Well, there isn't anyone next to us, so if you don't mind, you can sleep next to us. Maybe keep an eye on Lily while I step out for a short moment. Lily will vouch for you if needed. Though I don't think that would happen. Also, you don't have to be so stiff around us Ranger, even if I was on edge when meeting you. If Lilith has already given you a planned test within our ranks. I'm sure you have a home with us regardless of hunting doesn't work out." She glanced over to see Storm barrel into Raven, a small chuckle left her before padding towards the hunter's den. She found Lily already netsling up the bed.


Posted 22 hours ago

Ranger - Hunter of Powered (not yet lol) - 4yrs - Location: Powered camp/Hunter's den- Tags:  Lily, Kyla

"Oh, wow, thanks!" He exclaimed, despite his exhaustion. "I'll do my best to watch her." Ranger then turned, padded to the edge of the clearing, grabbed a mouthful of ferns and moss, and trotted back. He repeated the process about five times, until he had a nice soft bed to snuggle up in. He then carefully laid Mossy the caterpillar on a rock that had some small holes on it that were full of water, and placed some leaves on it for Mossy. "Here you go, bud," he murmured to the caterpillar, "Sleep tight." Ranger then curled up on his comfy nest, and fell promptly asleep.

Eragon (Warforged)

Posted 22 hours ago
Raven+Storm-hunter of normal+warrior of powered-4 1/2 yrs-location: powered camp-tags: each other

"I'm your favorite mutt then~" Storm hummed as she shook herself off. Raven rolled her eyes "oh yeah no, totally, of all the mutts I've met" she snorted flicking Storms side with her wing. "awww how sweet" Storm replied, "your impossible" Raven snorted, a Ripple of red flickered through her feathers which storm mimicked earning another eye roll "doof" Storm smirked.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 21 hours ago

Diego - Hunter of Powered - 4yrs - Location: Camp - Tags: Sparrow
Diego chuckled, "I can agree with that wholeheartedly. The warriors' den is what we will pass first, I mean, we could technically sleep there, but we have another wolf who is visiting with her sister. So Hunters' den would be less crowded. Not to mention one of the other hunters left to go visit her son in the other pack and she shouldn't be back yet." He watched Lilith pad away before catching sight of another wolf. " may not be as less crowded as I thought." His eyes followed Kyla and Ranger as they entered the Hunter's den.

Lilith - Alpha of Powered - 5yrs - Location: Her Den - Tags: Kyla
Lilith had gotten to her den, finally laying down in the bed she'd made a while back. It was clear to her she needed to remake it as the cushion of it wasn't as it used to be. She wanted to fall asleep right away, but something kept her awake despite her tiredness. Her ear flicked as she heard the paws heading in her direction. "Don't worry about standing, Alpha." Kyla's voice filled her den and she let out a small sigh. "What are you doing back so soon?"

Kyla - Hunter of Powered - 5yrs - Location: Lilith's Den - Tags: Lily, Raven
Kyla gave her a small smile, "Something told me to head back sooner than planned. Seems my intuition was correct." Kyla said as she padded closer, looking over Lilith's wounds. "As much as I'd like to scold you, I'm sure you've heard enough of that from the healers. What I came to tell you is, I'll go on that hunting test with Ranger since Deigo is apparently injured? Haven't seen the damage but I'm perfectly fine." Lilith nodded, "Maybe you being out there with Lily was why I couldn't fall asleep, that's fine. Rest up. We have quite a few new faces roaming about."
Lily - Pup of Powered - 5mnths - Location: Hunter's Den - Tags: Ranger
Lily glanced over as Ranger settled down near her, he was quick to make his own little bed. She smiled watching her mom pad off and before she knew it sleep took hold.
Ace - Elder of Powered - 13yrs - Location: His Den - Tags: Open
Eva - Healer of Powered - 4yrs - Location: Healer's den - Tags: Rhian
Eva had to admit she was shocked Ranger had removed the bandages, she could use them on him again. If he'd ever slow down! She wanted to protest him heading off after he'd just passed out due to his little rescue escapade. But he was already off on another grand adventure. She shook her head, "I think I will have my paws full with that one. She padded over to Rhian, laying next to him just so he wouldn't wake up alone. As she rested next to Rhian, his warmth made her fall into a deeper sleep than usual.
Zaver - Warrior of Normal - 5yrs - Location: Camp - Tags: Open
Zaver sat in the middle of camp, watching the others and keeping his eyes peeled for Vera. If she didn't return soon, he'd go hunting for her. However, he hoped it wouldn't come to that point. His tail swished in the dirt while waiting. His ears flicking to try and catch the smallest hint of Vera's voice.
Echo - Pup of Normal - 7months - Location: Pupsitter Den- Tags: Lykos
Echo curled into a bed when it seemed Vera wasn't going to show up anytime soon. She knew she couldn't keep Vera all to herself, but a part of her felt like Vera was her mother. She glanced at Lykos once more, but he was already curled up, eyes shut. She didn't know if he was asleep, but she didn't want to bother him.

Lykos - Pup of Normal - 5months - Location: Pupsitter Den - Tags: Echo
Lykos curled into himself, not feeling like talking anymore. He already missed his mom and sister, he had thought about running away. Going to his mother in secret and hiding...covering up his scent if his father came hunting for him. It could work...maybe. At least his mom wasn't alone anymore. She had wolves around her that could actually defend her if needed. He wished her were old enough to fight off his father. He growled low in his throat, before sleep claimed and calmed his mind.
Baston - Hunter of Normal - 5yrs - Location: Camp - Tags: Open
Baston growled as he walked out of the den, sitting in the center of camp. If he hadn't walked off and kept listening to that bratty boy, he probably would have snapped. He let out a heavy sigh, "Perhaps a small run will ease my anger. If I snap and attack a pup, they'd probably kick me out." His voice was low as he spoke to himself.
Falco - Hunter of Normal - 4yrs - Location: Camp - Tags: Vera, Eira-->Open
Falco rolled his eyes as he watched the two, he noticed Eira's nod for him to get lost and he happily did so. He didn't want to be around Vera as she had just been a ball of emotions and that was what he'd been trying to avoid. His ears twitched as he left the two of them. He frowned, that was it, he just didn't want to admit he had feelings for anything at this point. Life was a mess. Who knew what would happen at any given second? If he let his emotions lead him, he'd end up like Vera or worse...dead.

Vera - Pupsitter of Normal - 4yrs - Location: Edge of Camp - Tags: Eira
Vera shook her head, "No..." She let out another heavy breath, "I really did need that, but what I did has to be solved by me. I should have bit my tongue. Not lashed out at Eliza when she was likely already under so much stress. I know what they tested out had to be a rather difficult decision for her." Vera shook her coat a few times, trying to ease away more of her tension. "I just free if we place too much restraint on our pups, their future may end up compromised." Her tail flicked behind her, her eyes sullen, "I could have said it this way...instead, I lashed out like a fool. I really can't say why I did so..."


Posted 20 hours ago
Raven+Storm-hunter of normal+warrior of powered-4 1/2 yrs-location: powered camp-tags: each other

After a few more playful bantering moments, Storm led Raven to the warriors den area and let her take the nest beside her. "Night sissssss" Storm hummed, just genuinely happy to be able to say that, and then she basically passed out asleep. Raven chuckled with amusement "good night" she replied, she just looked at Storm for a good few moments, occasionally leaning forward to fix her sisters fur, before she to put her head down, and drifted to sleep.

Stream-Hunter of normal-3 yrs-location:normal camp-tags:N/a

Stream padded back into camp, heading for the hunters den, she shifted a bit around to lay beside Soren, who was already fast asleep, a small shiver went through her fur, a tinge of worry for Eliza specifically, because where could she be? Before long, she fell into a not so deep sleep.

Soren-hunter of normal-5 yrs-location:normal camp-tags:n/a


Lost-Traveler/loner-3 yrs-location: wherever the heck Eliza was-tags:Eliza

Unknowingly, the female had fallen asleep, her head down, facing Eliza, but she jolted away when she heard a familiar call. Tundra her mind went. "It was lovely to meet you, but, it's best I return to my companion before the day returns" she said with a small dip of her head, then she turned, padding away once more.

She met up with the mountain lion, who growled a scolding to her, it wasn't literal, mostly just a playful thing. The two found a spot to rest, where they both fell asleep

Ghost of the lost

Posted 20 hours ago

Ranger - Hunter of Powered (not yet lol) - 4yrs - Location: Hunters' den- Tags: none, bc hes a little sleeping boi

Ranger stirred restlessly, and twitched. He was dreaming. He was flying through a thunderstorm. Lightning flashed, and thunder grumbled ominously across the sky. The rain was relentless, pounding on him with all its might. But as he struggled across the sky, the branches of aspens thrashing below, something else was happening. There were voices. Whenever he could hear them, they were whispering to him. Insulting him. Cursing him. Blaming him. "No. Stop it. Please," Ranger whispered to the wind, tears streaming down his face. "It's not my fault." Suddenly, another voice joined. "Ranger..." she sighed. "You didn't save me...You could have saved me..." "No! Snowball! Please! I'm not to blame!" Ranger wailed, tears falling even faster now. "Snowball! I'm sorry! Snowball!" In the realm of the conscious, Ranger was curled with his tail pulled close to him, holding it like a teddy bear, soft tears slowly streaming from his closed eyes. He twitched occasionally, and would sometimes sniffle or whimper. A small, soft sob escaped his damp, tear-streaked snout. "Snowball..." he whined softly. "Why..."

Eragon (Warforged)

Posted 3 hours ago
Mata'u - Warrior of Powered - 5yrs - Location: Camp (Heading into camp) - Tags: None

Mata'u sighed as he padded into camp. He had been running all day, checking the borders. The sun's afternoon rays grazed his back, and Mata'u felt grateful as he padded towards a small patch of grass in the middle of camp, letting his mind drift off, though he was careful not to let himself fade out of sight. He tried not to do it often, for he feared that sometime he would leave the last of his soul in whatever dimension he disappeared to when he faded.

💔Prince of Hearts💔

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