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Within the Cervidae’s heart (ended & closed)

Posted 2024-09-03 07:33:54
Yalaktinos shot her a glare, no matter, if she was a fawn or not, he wasn't tolerating that kind of behavior. "Then so be it," he said shortly having nothing more to add to it. It certainly seemed that he had allowed Frost to behave too freely with him since Lilith even was following her example. However, why would he care about that? Lilith wasn't his fawn and Frost wasn't his mate, those two had no relations to him. He only had to ensure that she wouldn't get eaten and would grow up and fortunately that could be done without needing to spend too much time with her. He had never been too fond of fawns anyways and wasn't one of those bucks who willingly played with them and tickled them and did other "fun" things with them to keep them amused.


Posted 2024-09-03 07:44:00
Lilith ignored him and nudged frost who snapped out of it and looked at her "hm?" "Where would I find an angel lily?" Lilith asked "oh they grow near lakes and rivers they are white and their petals look a bit like a bird wing" she said and Lilith nodded darting off while frost looked mildly confused

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-09-03 07:52:06
Yalaktinos knew he couldn't keep up with the fawn, however, he was torn whether to stay with Frost or follow the fawn. Eventually the stag made his decision summoning one of the other bucks from his herd.

"Stay with Frost and make sure nothing will harm her," the male said as the other buck gave a sharp nod. Yalaktinos then headed towards the same direction Lilith had wandered. However, he made sure he kept enough distance from her, he most certainly not didn't need any more dramatics from that young fawn.


Posted 2024-09-03 08:03:32
Lilith kept her ears pricked while she made her way to the river and then she got there she searched the banks for the flower.she flicked an ear a a rabbit but chose not to chase it like normal and keep searching finally spotting a spark of white under a fern and carefully nipping off a flower with bird wing like petals feeling proud of herself

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-09-03 08:23:16
While following her, Yalaktinos had hidden himself from the view keeping an eye on things like he usually did. It did nothing to his "manly pride" that Lilith would have gotten the flower and saved the day. Besides, he knew that for some reason Lilith and Frost were close with each other and perhaps in the end it was for the best that Lilith saved the doe. Otherwise she might have misunderstood his intentions. Frost might be attractive doe, but at this point the stag had to admit that he wasn't romantically attracted to her or didn't possess those kinds of feelings.


Posted 2024-09-03 08:29:47
(Oooo that means I can put frost with someone elseee)

Lilith pranced back towards were frost was fully proud of herself as she went right past yalak either not noticing or not caring he was there.when she got there she walked to frost poked her and the second frost looked down "eat this,now missy" Lilith said and frost laughed but ate one "I suppose you figured out whatever was wrong?" She said still laughing softly all the dullness gone from her eyes and she seemed fully together "yessss, no help to his mysteriousness" she said and frost frowned "what did you guys do?" She sighed and Lilith only looked at her like she did nothing wrong earning an eye roll from frost

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-09-03 08:44:34
(Of course ^^ nothing is decided and it seems that so far Yalaktinos and Frost would work out as friends, but I'm not entirely sure, if they would work out as a romantic couple ^^')

There was no chance Lilith could even have caught a tip of antler of Yalaktinos as by the time the fawn had reached Frost, he was far in the other direction and had walked onto a small clearing on the other side of rather dense forest. It was still near the lake, but in other direction. The stag took a deep breath as he kept on walking. He didn't remember when he had enjoyed a patrol so much, but for now it seemed that it was just the thing he had needed.


Posted 2024-09-03 08:50:25
(Alr we shall see)

Not seeing him anywhere she decided to take Lilith back "come on Lilith and random buck" she said just noticing the buck who shrugged and followed when they got there frost shooed Lilith away and the buck walked away as well leaving her to relax or try to

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-09-03 09:00:42
"Not a random buck but Flaxoris," the male said. "Though it's understandable since we haven't introduced ourselves," the buck said, but followed them back to the herd. Once they had arrived, Flaxoris quickly excused himself to check on his family before he went to look for the lead stag.

In the meantime Yalaktinos was walking near the border of the human territory renewing his scent marks and checking that there weren't any signs of threat anywhere.


Posted 2024-09-03 09:05:04
Frost was laying in a patch of grass enjoying the cool breeze and singing of the birds.Lilith was playing with another fawn being the happy fawn she was normally.raven was chatting with a buck about the best food which she was saying was flowers while he was saying grass.

Ghost of the lost

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