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Panda & Jack's Trash Pandas -- Interactive Adoptables [Hiatus]

Posted 2024-09-07 19:24:00
@Glorified -- I'm so sorry that your explore is taking a bit longer than usual. I don't have a fun reason as to why Rosie hasn't made it back yet, I'm just drowning in school work and I haven't had much time to sit down and work on anything else.

@Meri I'm hoping to have your breeding with Freezer's girl finished up tomorrow.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-09-07 19:33:20
No problem Jack! School should definitely come first, don't stress

Meri - Lights off!

Posted 2024-09-07 19:37:20
No worries! Cant help it that Rosie prob found some fine dining and couldn't help herself XD
It is her favorite restaurant after all lol!
Take all the time you need!!

Glorified Freezer

Posted 2024-09-07 19:40:57
I appreciate you guys so much

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-09-08 16:51:00
Can I get a custom of this guy?

🧊 Orthrus🧊

Posted 2024-09-09 10:00:39 (edited)
@EnfiledOrthrus -- Unfortunately we don't have a wings mutation yet, I can speak with Panda about potentially creating it for your custom though! Please feel free to DM me regarding this!

@Meri & @Freezer -- babies and explores will come today by RO.

@Everybody -- Panda and I have put some consideration into this, and I believe that after we have completed this round of orders, we are going to be temporarily closing the shop for a bit. After falling so far behind this week, it was a pretty big wakeup call that maybe we can't handle this right now. This very overwhelming term of college that I'm suffering through has 7 weeks left, and I hope to reopen the shop by then.

Occasionally, usually on weekends, I might reopen the shop to Explores and Breedings as long as I'm ahead of schedule with school work between now and the end of term that will lead to a full reopening.

To say that we value everyone's overwhelming support is an understatement, but it's the only words I have. Everyone who has participated thus far in Raccoontopia has been such a joy, and I'm glad to be able to call you guys my friends. I hope this announcement isn't too much of a bummer, and I hope to see everyone when we reopen.

Just to reiterate,  the shop won't be closing until this round of orders is completed, including Orthrus's custom.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-09-09 10:20:27
Best wishes for you and Panda I hope school isn't going too badly for you Jack!

Meri - Lights off!

Posted 2024-09-09 10:34:26
@Meri, I appreciate you!! I'm just way overloaded this term with very demanding classes, and I found myself slipping there too. I'm hoping it smooths out, and if not, next term will be lighter and I just have to make it through!

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-09-09 10:48:59
You've got this! Just 7 more weeks and things will get easier <3

Meri - Lights off!

Posted 2024-09-09 14:37:48 (edited)
Ooooh, I'm new to the district! May I explore uptown at the creek? ^^

EDIT oh no I just read the hiatus message disregard then! I wish you luck and some mental ease instead (I know what school stress is, I myself gotta ace my exam on Wednesday or I won't be able to continue to next semester ) hang in there!

Minnie Cat

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