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BG3 Private rp

Posted 2024-08-28 16:42:42 (edited)
Ulke blinked at the question. Messing with my head? The thought made him queasy but the look on her face hinted a more specific symptom than a general creepy crawly experience.

"Not specifically? I feel itchy when I think about it nesting in there," pointing to his temple, "but I'm pretty sure thats my panic response to a slimy worm entering my brain." His brows raised in curiosity, "Are you feeling... or perhaps are not feeling something in particular?"

Posted 2024-08-28 17:04:20
Caesy's brow furrows slightly, she wasn't entirely certain what she had been expecting. But whatever hopes she might have had that her memory loss was just a side effect of the tadpoles were dashed now. Nor was it the cause of the terrible headache she'd been dealing with it seemed, since he hadn't mentioned having a migraine. Not that she wanted him to be suffering of course. It just raised more questions for her already foggy mind to process. What could have happened to leave her battered and bruised as she was if it wasn't the doing of the mind flayers? A concussion perhaps? It would have to be a bad one to completely banish any memory of the past.

"I can barely remember my own name... I don't know how I got on that ship. I don't remember anything. I guess I was hoping that maybe it was because of the tadpole. But it seems that is not the case." She says, wrapping her arms around her chest. She wasn't sure why she was divulging that information. She barely knew him... but he had been nothing but kind so far. And it wasn't as though the information could be used against her in any case. Even if it could, she had her doubts that he would be the type to take advantage of that. He had even wanted to save an intellect devourer of all things. Not many would do that, especially when they were on a time crunch like they had been in the ship.


Posted 2024-08-28 17:21:23
Ulke's eyes softened a touch seeing his new friends' subtle distress and he slowly reached out and touched her upper arm encouragingly.

"I am sorry my answer proved disquieting, but I would be willing to assist you on your journey to finding your answers. If you would be alright with that?" he let his hand move away, no not crowd her when she already may be feeling vulnerable.

"We both want these things out of our heads and to be honest," he rubbed the back of his neck to break the tension, "I would love to not have to do this alone..." He was presenting her with an opportunity to gain some control back, to feel less helpless. It was true besides, he hated feeling alone, and if she was on a journey to discover her missing memories or past, he was willing to help however he could. They could take care of each other.

Posted 2024-08-28 17:40:00
"It's not your fault... but I appreciate the sentiment." Caesy says. It felt like some sort of cruel joke. If she found out who was responsible for this... no, she refused to entertain such thoughts. She wasn't a monster. She couldn't be. Could she? In truth she didn't know. Maybe she was. Whatever life she had led before this, she must have gotten into her fair share of fights to have as many scars as she did.

"You know... I'd like that too actually. Thank you. I'd definitely appreciate the company." She says. She wasn't sure if she had any family. Surely she had to... everyone did. Didn't they? But regardless, she wasn't alone. She had a friend. Someone cared enough to not run off and leave her on her lonesome. Now she could only hope that she could keep herself in check, lest she scare off the one friend she knew she had.

A intellect devourer scuttles out from a piece of burning wreckage not too far from them. Thankfully it either hadn't noticed them, or it like Us knew they were infected. "I suppose we'd better get moving before we run into more of them. No telling how many survived" she says. She wasn't sure where Us was.


Posted 2024-08-28 18:24:26 (edited)
Ulke's beam returned before the little brain scuttled past but instead of cringing he took a moment to focus. It was he and Caesy now and he couldnt be a coward.

"Couldn't agree more, Caesy." he smiled, a little more confident, "the beach stretches this way, we may find a way either around or through the wreck."

He began walking beside her, using his quarterstaff as a walking stick for the sake of the sand and having it ready in case anything decided to be violently unfriendly.

Posted 2024-08-28 18:41:49
"Hopefully... maybe we'll even find some sort of settlement nearby. Though I fear that is simply wishful thinking." Caesy says, reaching to draw her sword. So far none of the intellect devourer had made any move to attack. But she wasn't about to throw caution to the wind, especially if they had to pass through the wreckage to get off this beach.

The sand wasn't the easiest terrain to traverse she mused as one of her feet sinks into the sand as she takes another step forward. But they would be out of here eventually. For now they had to press on. And so press on she did, pulling her foot free from the sand. It wasn't quicksand at least. That would be an actual problem in addition to everything they already faced.


Posted 2024-08-29 03:25:11
Ulke nodded in agreement, "Whatever we find, we'll deal with it together." his eyes shining with a moment of unyielding faith as the elves began making their way toward the wreckage.

Many corpses lay littered about, fish and barrels and boxes too. A strange door even against the cliff that overlooked the beach. More intelect devourers skittered about noisily in the main hull of the wreckage.

(Shadowheart appears on the beach if you save her, but because we didn't encounter her, typically she can appear at the door or in the tiefling camp.

Should she be on the beach, at the door, or in the camp?)

Posted 2024-08-29 03:40:21
(At the tiefling camp sounds good :)  )

"I don't know how you do it... how you keep that faith that somehow everything is going to be okay. But it's admirable. Maybe you're right. We've survived this long. Who's to say we can't face whatever is yet to come." Caesy says, running her free hand through her hair in the hopes of untangling it slightly. Was she trying to convince herself that things would work themselves out? Perhaps. It was hard to have that same faith in a world that seemed determined to knock the wind right out of her. But she was grateful to not be alone in facing whatever was to come. Maybe eventually his faith would rub off on her too

"We could probably check out that door... see if might lead somewhere away from the wreckage. We'd avoid the intellect devourers for now that way. Though there's no telling what we might find behind that door. It looks like it's locked. Either someone didn't want anyone going inside. Or there's something in there they didn't want getting out." She says. Which option was more reassuring, she wasn't sure.


Posted 2024-08-29 04:00:05

He thought for a moment how to answer that, "...I have to have hope, always." his smile didn't waver but his eyes softened at the feeling, "Without hope, we have nothing, are nothing..." Ulke nodded again but relaxed a bit "though we can discuss ideology at a later time, maybe when we're safe and can make camp..."

Upon seeing the door he hums and glances at his companion, "I could try picking it if you like, but that lock looks ancient and difficult." his brows raised in dubious belief of his skills, clearly knowing his particular talents lie elsewhere.

Posted 2024-08-29 04:14:18 (edited)
"True... what keeps us going if not hope I suppose. But as you say, it is a discussion best saved for another time." Caesy says, letting her arm fall to her side once more. Hope for the future seemed a better motivation than surviving out of pure spite at the world. She wasn't sure what kept her going at this point. Not that it matters so long as I can keep pushing through she mused.

"It's worth a try... picking it would probably work better than trying to smack it really hard in the hopes that it breaks open, which is probably all I could do in this situation. But if we can't get it open, no harm done. We'll just have to be prepared to fight our way through the wreckage should it come to that." She says


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