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Warrior Cats a New World: ECHOCLAN [RP]

Posted 3 days ago

Hissing at the Moonclan medicine cat, I stormed over to EchoStar as the two cats rushed away. "EchoStar! Why in Starclan would you allow Moonclan to waltze into camp?! We should have attacked immediately!" Nearby, Brownpaw nodded in agreement, claws unsheathing as he moved to stand next to me.

Posted 3 days ago
BrightSong she/her - Warrior -

Bright tucked her tail in, ears pointing back. Although she wasn't "listening" to the conversation- she still wanted every drop of detail. She wanted no part in the drama, but she still wanted to hear it.

LemonTree ^The best zest^

Posted 3 days ago

"They came asking for herbs, with their medicine cat with them." Echostar explained, "It would also give us a bad impression to the other clans if we attacked- they weren't hostile what-so-ever."


Posted 3 days ago (edited)

"So they came to steal our herbs?!" I yowled, Blood boiling with anger at how EchoStar was dismissing this matter. "We give them our herbs, next thing we know they'll be taking prey, then territory! They'll think we'll just bend over for them!"

Posted 3 days ago

"They could have brought their medicine cat along specifically so we wouldn't attack and they could scope out all our weakensses," I meowed, siding with my father.

Posted 3 days ago (edited)

Echostar nodded, "I believe they had their reasons- Moonclan is very proud, they wouldn't be asking for help if they didn't need it. We can't jump at any possible threat we see- we need to figure out what it is before we take action. Otherwise, things could take a turn for the worst." Echostar spoke words of wisdom, ones that he learned from his own mistakes.


Posted 3 days ago (edited)

Echostar scented the air, and caught a smell different from the two cats he met- Echostar knew Moonstar's scent by heart, and the the scent didn't smell anything like a mix of herbs that the med-cat possesed.
"I think another one's still here though..." he growled.


Posted 3 days ago

Scoffing at the tom's words I turned my attention towards my son. "What are you still doing here? Why aren't you out training yet?! I don't know why Starclan gave me such a useless, embarrassing son." With a growl, Batclaw stormed away.

(We can see now why brownpaw Hayes him dad lol. Everytime batclaw gets angry, be takes it out on him)

Posted 3 days ago
BrightSong she/her - Warrior -

BrightSong's ears perked, that last part caught her attention- intruder?

LemonTree ^The best zest^

Posted 3 days ago

"Batclaw! Be better towards your son- why aren't you out hunting right now?" Echostar countered.


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